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Thread: #RenovateBlackham

  1. #169

    Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    Bathroom line is a reality at every venue I've ever been to EXCEPT CD, and the answer is obvious. No one is at the damn dome. Also again, serving 3K was fine for the rodeo. It can be fine for MBB.
    1. So we fine with 3k at basketball? We are going to invest millions in an arena for 1.5k more? Sounds fiscally responsible

    2. False regarding every venue. Do you wait in like at CF to pee? I have maybe done it twice. Don’t be dramatic. Give us facts.

  2. Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by cjr3888 View Post
    Of course not. I’m just a licensed general contractor so I don’t know anything about construction.
    Let's see your cost analysis.
    Let's see your structural reports.
    Lets see your areas that have been deemed not to code.

    Lot's of real estate agents, insurance agents and general contractors out there don't know ____ about their profession.

  3. #171

    Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Name:  college-basketball-11th-bayou-classic-southwestern-louisiana-dwight-picture-id113250504-25184031.jpg
Views: 223
Size:  107.4 KB

    Name:  rp_primary_blackham006_33775841_ver1.jpg
Views: 236
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  4. #172

    Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    While concessions are being discussed. Rodeo serves jambalaya, burgers, nachos, & drinks in their main concession. And not the Sodexo crap. Everything pre made outside then kept in warmers. Prices are comparable with Cajun Field but better quality so no complaints.

  5. Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by LouisianaB View Post
    1. So we fine with 3k at basketball? We are going to invest millions in an arena for 1.5k more? Sounds fiscally responsible

    2. False regarding every venue. Do you wait in like at CF to pee? I have maybe done it twice. Don’t be dramatic. Give us facts.

    I'm going off of the reported attendance from last week. But you knew that already.

    I don't have to wait to pee at CF because it's also empty.

    Stop being a ____ing child.

  6. #174

    Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    Let's see your cost analysis.
    Let's see your structural reports.
    Lets see your areas that have been deemed not to code.

    Lot's of real estate agents, insurance agents and general contractors out there don't know ____ about their profession.
    You continue to prove you don’t know ____ about many things podcast boy. Stay in your padded room while the adults discuss things. Renovating Blackham is a pipe dream. The only feasible option is demo and rebuild.

  7. Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by Million$Mullet View Post
    And wrasslin! Can’t forget wrasslin!!

    I agree it would be great to play in the old building for nostalgic reason but that $20 million is not gonna get you anything close to what you need. It’s AT LEAST a $60 million project to get everything up to code, expansion of the building, offices, plumbing, electrical etc etc etc. Demo and rebuild is more cost efficient. It’s fun to think about but it’s not feasible. Sorry
    If you're trying to replicate the new Louisville arena (can't remember the name), sure. Now look, I'll admit that I'm not up on bulk material prices. I know that concrete is outrageous right now. No idea on steel.

    Any idea what they spent in EK Long?

  8. Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by Million$Mullet View Post
    And wrasslin! Can’t forget wrasslin!!

    I agree it would be great to play in the old building for nostalgic reason but that $20 million is not gonna get you anything close to what you need. It’s AT LEAST a $60 million project to get everything up to code, expansion of the building, offices, plumbing, electrical etc etc etc. Demo and rebuild is more cost efficient. It’s fun to think about but it’s not feasible. Sorry
    This is a fact...I don't know where MAT is coming up with 20 million, but their is zero chance of getting Blackham up to what it needs to be at 20 million. That number is at least double if not triple that in todays environment as M$M clearly pointed out. I sell building materials for a living, last year alone our products went up a minimum of 30%, that is one year over year, not going back 10 - 20 years.

    I guarantee we can not renovate it for less than 45 million and make it feasible.

  9. Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by cjr3888 View Post
    You continue to prove you don’t know ____ about many things podcast boy. Stay in your padded room while the adults discuss things. Renovating Blackham is a pipe dream. The only feasible option is demo and rebuild.
    Produce the info or Please. You can't, because you don't ____ing know.

    I love it when you get mad though. Demonstrates perfectly how you escalated a situation to a point where you tried to fight our players and their families.

    "Podcast boy" LMAOOOOOOO

  10. #178

    Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Name:  1950-84-basketball-at-blackham-coliseum-bayou-classic(500)-1991832171.jpg
Views: 225
Size:  130.4 KB

    Name:  jaywrightblackham-804821133.jpg
Views: 227
Size:  293.8 KB

  11. Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginDave View Post
    This is a fact...I don't know where MAT is coming up with 20 million, but their is zero chance of getting Blackham up to what it needs to be at 20 million. That number is at least double if not triple that in todays environment as M$M clearly pointed out. I sell building materials for a living, last year alone our products went up a minimum of 30%, that is one year over year, not going back 10 - 20 years.

    I guarantee we can not renovate it for less than 45 million and make it feasible.
    So for arguments sake, in 2018, $20mm would have been a more feasible number?

  12. #180

    Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginDave View Post
    This is a fact...I don't know where MAT is coming up with 20 million, but their is zero chance of getting Blackham up to what it needs to be at 20 million. That number is at least double if not triple that in todays environment as M$M clearly pointed out. I sell building materials for a living, last year alone our products went up a minimum of 30%, that is one year over year, not going back 10 - 20 years.

    I guarantee we can not renovate it for less than 45 million and make it feasible.
    Gonzagas 6K seat arena cost 36 mil to build in 2023 costs. Not sure where the 45 mil figure comes from

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