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Thread: #RenovateBlackham

  1. #157

    Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    I love how you use "y'all" so many times to make sure to differentiate yourself from the "complainers." Tells the reader a lot.

    People CORRECTLY POINT OUT (not complain) about CF concessions because there are too many unused, ill used and serviced terribly at CF. Also, serving 20k is not comparable to serving 3K.

    Bathroom line is a reality at every venue I've ever been to EXCEPT CD, and the answer is obvious. No one is at the damn dome. Also again, serving 3K was fine for the rodeo. It can be fine for MBB.

    The roof leaked at the CD. They fixed it. I know, I know; hard to wrap your mind around, isn't it? A repaired roof is not a magical dream.

    Bench seating doesn't have to be universal throughout the new Blackham. In fact, it would help sell premium chair backs. Again, if you're trying to get the younger fanbase, bench seating will not be an issue. Next.

    Temp control. You gotta be freaking kidding me. Do you have an idea what it costs to run the AC in the CD? It's outrageous. We'd save several thousand a year just not having to pay that bill. Add some Big Ass fans in there. Just make sure the air isn't stagnant. Basketball is played in the fall/winter months. Should never be a problem.

    NO one here complains about "parking in the grass." Not only that, that is not the argument. The argument was proximity to the field. Parking will not be an issue at the new Blackham. "Y'all" need to stop bringing up that straw man argument.

    The lighting system would need to be redone anyway. ESPN+ or not. It would be an integral part of the reno anyway.

    "Undoubtedly" about the fire code. You don't know the fire code, you're just assuming? While I agree the concourse is narrow, if you remove the concessions that are currently in those areas, it widens the walkway substantially.

    Basketball offices occupy what, 6 offices maybe? I have no idea, just wondering out loud. Whatever the case, there are empty spots in the cox building and once the Roy is occupied again, there will be other options. That is the least of concerns.

    Recruits want to WIN. Recruits want to be RELEVANT. Recruits want to get their names on TV in the NCAA Tournament. The Kansas Jay Hawks play in a barn too. So did Butler before they were national championship participants. So do many midwestern powerhouse programs. If we're recruiting kids that would rather play on a pretty floor than WIN, probably tells you why we can't get out of our own conference tournament every year.

    You can save the ____ing lecture. The fact that this topic has gotten so much traction over the last few years should tell anyone who is paying attention that it matters to fans. And still none of your conjecture solves a single one of the many problems that I've talked about with regard to the toxic relationship between MBB and the CD. Maybe the project isn't $12mm and it's closer to $20mm. Considering the gaping hole in our MBB revenue bucket, it might actually be cheaper to renovate Blackham than continue playing in the CD over the course of 8-10 years.

  2. #158

    Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesTheJeweler View Post
    You must have missed the post that the admin was discussing this very topic.
    Discussing the topic and actually moving forward are two completely different things. Blackham is nothing more than a rodeo arena now. It’s not feasible to renovate to current code plus everything else needed to become a basketball arena. Now demo and rebuild would be feasible but then you’re left with the Cajundome sitting idle only hosting concerts and monster trucks.

  3. Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by cjr3888 View Post
    Discussing the topic and actually moving forward are two completely different things. Blackham is nothing more than a rodeo arena now. It’s not feasible to renovate to current code plus everything else needed to become a basketball arena. Now demo and rebuild would be feasible but then you’re left with the Cajundome sitting idle only hosting concerts and monster trucks.
    ______, great minds......

  4. #160

    Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by cjr3888 View Post
    Discussing the topic and actually moving forward are two completely different things. Blackham is nothing more than a rodeo arena now. It’s not feasible to renovate to current code plus everything else needed to become a basketball arena. Now demo and rebuild would be feasible but then you’re left with the Cajundome sitting idle only hosting concerts and monster trucks.
    bUt U dOnT kNoW tHaT!!!??!!!?!!

  5. Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by LouisianaB View Post
    bUt U dOnT kNoW tHaT!!!??!!!?!!
    He doesn't. And neither do you.

  6. #162

    Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    I love how you use "y'all" so many times to make sure to differentiate yourself from the "complainers."
    Y’all in the context is obviously the pro-renovate Blackham crowd. But please, by all means, take things out of context

  7. #163

    Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by cjr3888 View Post
    Discussing the topic and actually moving forward are two completely different things. Blackham is nothing more than a rodeo arena now. It’s not feasible to renovate to current code plus everything else needed to become a basketball arena. Now demo and rebuild would be feasible but then you’re left with the Cajundome sitting idle only hosting concerts and monster trucks.
    Interesting you say sitting idle...when the team doesn't even get to practice in it that often during the season.

  8. #164

    Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by cjr3888 View Post
    Discussing the topic and actually moving forward are two completely different things. Blackham is nothing more than a rodeo arena now. It’s not feasible to renovate to current code plus everything else needed to become a basketball arena. Now demo and rebuild would be feasible but then you’re left with the Cajundome sitting idle only hosting concerts and monster trucks.
    This is what happens when you don't have a contingency plan with the Blackham property. The fact that we are still discussing what to do with that prime real estate on Johnston close to 40 years later tells me all I need to know on how we planned this from the start.

    Personally, I don't care what we do with Blackham. Tear it down, renovate it, but do SOMETHING with that piece of land.

  9. #165

    Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by cjr3888 View Post
    Discussing the topic and actually moving forward are two completely different things. Blackham is nothing more than a rodeo arena now. It’s not feasible to renovate to current code plus everything else needed to become a basketball arena. Now demo and rebuild would be feasible but then you’re left with the Cajundome sitting idle only hosting concerts and monster trucks.
    And wrasslin! Can’t forget wrasslin!!

    I agree it would be great to play in the old building for nostalgic reason but that $20 million is not gonna get you anything close to what you need. It’s AT LEAST a $60 million project to get everything up to code, expansion of the building, offices, plumbing, electrical etc etc etc. Demo and rebuild is more cost efficient. It’s fun to think about but it’s not feasible. Sorry

  10. #166

    Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post

    People CORRECTLY POINT OUT (not complain) about CF concessions because there are too many unused, ill used and serviced terribly at CF. Also, serving 20k is not comparable to serving 3K.
    So nobody complained about concessions at CF? I’ll make a note of that for next season

  11. #167

    Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by LouisianaB View Post
    bUt U dOnT kNoW tHaT!!!??!!!?!!
    Of course not. I’m just a licensed general contractor so I don’t know anything about construction.

  12. #168

    Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by LouisianaB View Post
    So nobody complained about concessions at CF? I’ll make a note of that for next season
    Let's be honest. The concessions at CF aren't being used properly. That's not fans complaining, that's a basic fact.

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