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Thread: What Happened

  1. #97

    Default Re: What Happened

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Not all local but these are the appearances I could find.

    Napier made appearances on ...
    RP3 & Company
    SportsRadio 740
    ESPNU Radio

    He should have made regular appearances on non-sports shows.

    Mike Desormeaux needs to get on more shows than the Great Scott Show during football season. He needs to do multiple shows every week during football season and monthly the rest of the year.

    KRVS included
    I hope between now and next season, they can find a PR or public speaking class or instruction for know...

  2. Default Re: What Happened

    Quote Originally Posted by fanof71 View Post
    KRVS will never do a coaches show or interview...its pubic radio, they don't do sports. I don't think it would happen even if someone had $$$ to underwrite it...
    While you are almost 100% correct on what to expect, it isn't because they are public radio.

    Radio Hofstra is a public radio station and they have been doing New York Islander games for a dozen years or so and have won numerous awards over the years.

    It's a mindset, which involves having a set mind as to why KRVS doesn't promote the University.

  3. #99

    Default Re: What Happened

    Quote Originally Posted by fanof71 View Post
    I hope between now and next season, they can find a PR or public speaking class or instruction for know...
    You got me?

  4. #100

    Default Re: What Happened

    Quote Originally Posted by fanof71 View Post
    I hope between now and next season, they can find a PR or public speaking class or instruction for know...
    What you did there, I see it.

  5. Default Re: What Happened

    Napier not much better . . . but he got virtually no fans into the stadium for his team’s performances . . . maybe they can get a 2 for one

  6. Default Re: What Happened

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    Napier not much better . . . but he got virtually no fans into the stadium for his team’s performances . . . maybe they can get a 2 for one
    Need a salesman, he had no charisma.

    That may not have mattered in the overall equation if not for a lockdown changing everthing.

  7. Default Re: What Happened

    Quote Originally Posted by Big Poppa View Post
    Right the sad thing is Des appears to be more on the Napier end of public engagement. He’s even made comments on radio programs saying where he’s read the message boards and social media and don’t care what those people think (fans). His comments do more to turn people off than they do to turn them on. He appears to always be in defense mode and not selling his program mode.
    This is sadly a bad message to the community by CMD. But he’s going to be whoever he is.

  8. #104

    Default Re: What Happened

    Quote Originally Posted by Big Poppa View Post
    Right the sad thing is Des appears to be more on the Napier end of public engagement. He’s even made comments on radio programs saying where he’s read the message boards and social media and don’t care what those people think (fans). His comments do more to turn people off than they do to turn them on. He appears to always be in defense mode and not selling his program mode.
    He shouldn't care what message board fans think.

  9. Default Re: What Happened

    Quote Originally Posted by wscoog View Post
    This is not only a Louisiana problem but a college football problem. Houston is moving into the Big 12 and we are struggling to put fans in the stands(to put it mildly). Part is we are tired of our coach but the transfer portal and NIL deals can make a fan feel like we are watching some mercernaries out there. Social media is also a factor . UL has a great tailgating scene but too many are walking back to their cars as kickoff is approaching. Also having 2 ticket booths per entrance is beyond inept when the lines are crazy long. Still shocked there was no banner to honor last year's team. Sun Belt and bowl game Champions! There is no better advertising than letting everyone know you are a winner. How much could it cost? Complete failure by the administration.
    Very sad but very accurate. We don’t have ESPN non stop pushing the propaganda they do for the P5 programs. Over the lifetime of the programs LSU has outspent UL by billions. That’s a legacy of wins and additional free promotions.

  10. #106

    Default Re: What Happened

    Quote Originally Posted by Big Poppa View Post
    Right the sad thing is Des appears to be more on the Napier end of public engagement. He’s even made comments on radio programs saying where he’s read the message boards and social media and don’t care what those people think (fans). His comments do more to turn people off than they do to turn them on. He appears to always be in defense mode and not selling his program mode.
    Fans don't hire coaches but they sure as he'll fire them

  11. Default Re: What Happened

    I don’t think 3 non-fans will fire a coach . . .

  12. #108

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: What Happened

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    While you are almost 100% correct on what to expect, it isn't because they are public radio.

    Radio Hofstra is a public radio station and they have been doing New York Islander games for a dozen years or so and have won numerous awards over the years.

    It's a mindset, which involves having a set mind as to why KRVS doesn't promote the University.
    Precisely. I can remember KRVS carrying USL basketball games during the Shipley years.

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