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Thread: Le Petit Bon Homme Janvier

  1. #1

    People Le Petit Bon Homme Janvier

    The Little Man of January.

    Does anyone keep this tradition?
    I can remember my oldest sister saying she did this when she was a child.
    The Petit Bon Homme stopped making his rounds by the time my brother and I came around.
    Atchafalaya Voices: Celebrating 'Le Petit Bon Homme Janvier' (

  2. Default Re: Le Petit Bon Homme Janvier

    And the article missed it . . . it’s . . . The Little GOOD Man January . . . my grand parents and parents (when they were young) used to celebrate the coming of The Little GGOD Man January as they were poor and therefore shopped the after Christmas sales for presents which would come when he passed on New Years Eve . . .

  3. #3

    Default Re: Le Petit Bon Homme Janvier

    Had in my home growing up.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Le Petit Bon Homme Janvier

    Slept at my grandmother's every New Years Eve just because of this. Probably why I always loved to eat apples and oranges.

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