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Thread: Recruiting Updates 22-12-15...

  1. #85

    Default Re: Recruiting Updates 22-12-15...

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Pretend you are not the purveyor of truth and try recruiting "to" instead of away from.

    I'm sure there is some kind of positive message you can come up with. Just offering an option.
    When did I act like the "purveyor of truth"? I simply stated there's a drop off in recruiting. Don't you think that's a bit hyperbolic? Give me a break. Do any of you really want to go down this road? Act like none of you have ever questioned any decision or action this university has made? LoL! Not sure if any of you are fans of Jung, but youre projecting. Pot, meet kettle.

  2. #86

    Default Re: Recruiting Updates 22-12-15...

    Quote Originally Posted by cajun_lannister View Post
    Wins are down

    Attendance is way down

    Donations are down

    Recruiting rankings down

    Stadium pushed back for who knows how long

    What a great outlook for the future.
    It's all your fault for bringing it up.

  3. #87

    Default Re: For You Recruiting Debbie Downers....

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesTheJeweler View Post
    Dude, Napier left in December. (November 28th, to be exact) How is that Des' class??? And Fite has nothing to do with this. We are talking about where our classes were ranked over the last 4 years, as compared to where this one looks. If you don't think there's quite a drop off, there's really nothing left to say here.
    It is Des' class, because every recruit still had to sign when he was the coach. Just like Napier's first class was 2018, with Manac, Smith, Moncrief, etc. Dubose and Edwards are still on team and, as of yet, not transferred out. I understand your position that it is Napier's class, but I disagree. Each of those recruits had an opportunity to re-open their recruiting or transfer out and so far have not done so.

    Because I point out one positive fact in recruiting, you have labeled me a sunshine pumper.

    No where did I say recruiting hasn't dropped off, what I said is that the four highest rated recruits were all signed or committed under Des. That number is now three with Horne decommitting. I agreed with you that quantity of quality depth of the classes has gone down.

  4. #88

    Default Re: Recruiting Updates 22-12-15...

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesTheJeweler View Post
    Add to his worries? What exactly is this board for? Lying? Pretending? Act like there's never anything to voice concern over? Seriously, I'd like to hear your answer.
    There is a way to discuss certain topics to where you don't insult the young men who ARE willing to commit with us. Please do so.

  5. #89

    Default Re: Recruiting Updates 22-12-15...

    Early signing day is December 21, 2022.

    In two days, over 50% of the talent pool will be off the board after signing their national letter of intent (not to be confused with NIL).

    It's naive to think we are going to make substantial strides between now and the close of the signing period in February.

    We should have the hay in the barn by December 21st and possibly hold a few scholarships for late transfers.

  6. Default Re: Recruiting Updates 22-12-15...

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesTheJeweler View Post
    When did I act like the "purveyor of truth"? I simply stated there's a drop off in recruiting. Don't you think that's a bit hyperbolic? Give me a break. Do any of you really want to go down this road? Act like none of you have ever questioned any decision or action this university has made? LoL! Not sure if any of you are fans of Jung, but youre projecting. Pot, meet kettle.
    Recruiting is never about pure reality, that's why so many 5-stars die on the bench.

    Do you think a single P5 tells the highschooler the truth, that he may ride the bench for 3-years, and that when he finally gets his chance he won't be as good as he was coming out of highschool?

    Putting your best foot forward has always been Job#1 when it comes to recruiting.

  7. #91

    Default Re: Recruiting Updates 22-12-15...

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesTheJeweler View Post
    You're not allowed to say that here. They'll come at you with pitchforks and torches! LOL! WITCH!!!!!
    So, if 247 is the only Metric, then we are 6th right now in the conference recruiting. That's not quite the hit the iceberg Titanic scenario you are suggesting, is it? Come on James, no one has their head in the sand here, of course it could be better. Had we won several more games it certainly would have helped. But to suggest that the recruiting is just terrible is a bridge to far dude. Put down the crack pipe bro.

  8. #92

    Default Re: Recruiting Updates 22-12-15...

    Quote Originally Posted by Geaux View Post

    That part! Says it all.

    247 Sports is the only metric at the moment.

    Top five FBS programs recruit at a rate 300 points per class.

    Premier G5 programs at a rate of approximately 160 point per class.

    During CBN last two years we recruited at a rate of approximately 160 points per class and we witnessed the results.

    We has a current rating of 100 points.

    I love CMD, but seems like we are losing the grip on recruiting top G5 talent given our resources when compared to our G5 peers.

  9. #93

    Default Re: For You Recruiting Debbie Downers....

    Quote Originally Posted by Rainman66 View Post
    It is Des' class, because every recruit still had to sign when he was the coach. Just like Napier's first class was 2018, with Manac, Smith, Moncrief, etc. Dubose and Edwards are still on team and, as of yet, not transferred out. I understand your position that it is Napier's class, but I disagree. Each of those recruits had an opportunity to re-open their recruiting or transfer out and so far have not done so.

    Because I point out one positive fact in recruiting, you have labeled me a sunshine pumper.

    No where did I say recruiting hasn't dropped off, what I said is that the four highest rated recruits were all signed or committed under Des. That number is now three with Horne decommitting. I agreed with you that quantity of quality depth of the classes has gone down.
    Well, then I apologize if I misrepresented what you were trying to say.

  10. #94

    Default Re: Recruiting Updates 22-12-15...

    What were our rankings in 2016 and 2017? You know the players Napier did most of his winning with?

  11. #95

    Default Re: Recruiting Updates 22-12-15...

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunNation View Post
    There is a way to discuss certain topics to where you don't insult the young men who ARE willing to commit with us. Please do so.
    Explain to me how I brought this up by insulting any individuals. Please do so.

  12. Default Re: Recruiting Updates 22-12-15...

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    What were our rankings in 2016 and 2017? You know the players Napier did most of his winning with?
    He did most of his winnings with a QB that he did not recruit . .

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