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Thread: Recruiting Updates 22-12-15...

  1. #73

    Default Re: Recruiting Updates 22-12-15...

    At our level in the field success is directly tied to recruiting success on the OL/DL, QB and LB. In that order.

    We will be good as long as those positions are at the top of the league.

  2. Default Re: Recruiting Updates 22-12-15...

    Quote Originally Posted by Duggie35 View Post
    ... if any potential recruit visits this site, many of the "Cajun Fans" that post here are not doing much to assist our staff in the recruiting process...
    Thank you

    In a transition year, perception is more than important.

  3. #75

    Default Re: Recruiting Updates 22-12-15...

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunNation View Post
    This right here.

    Some of you guys are really, really misguided.
    LoL! Classic! It's our fault if recruiting fails! Got it.Talk about misguided??? LoL!

  4. #76

    Default Re: Recruiting Updates 22-12-15...

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Thank you

    In a transition year, perception is more than important.
    Brother, if a recruit is looking at perception as to whether he should come here or not, Ragin Pagin is the least of his worries!

  5. #77

    Default Re: Recruiting Updates 22-12-15...

    Quote Originally Posted by Duggie35 View Post
    I have no clue how this recruiting class will end up. I am not a talent evaluator and don't claim to be. I also don't put as much weight into the "star" system once you get below the 4 and 5 star rated players. History proves that a 1 star can quickly rise to a 3 star if he signs with a major P5 or a 3 star can drop to a 1 star if he signs with a specific G5

    But I do think that if any potential recruit visits this site, many of the "Cajun Fans" that post here are not doing much to assist our staff in the recruiting process. The sky is falling if this is the only place they look!
    So, what are you suggesting exactly? We lie? Act like there's never concern for anything happening with the program? That recruits are deciding whether to come here by what fans on a message board say? Damn. How does every other school in the entire country get anyone to go to their school? Have you ever visited any other schools message boards??? LoL! Are we to assume that "Cajun fans" was in quotations because we aren't "real fans" if we speak up and state the obvious? Coming on here and saying, the drop off in recruiting is concerning, is akin to Blasphemy. I guess not making excuses, asking questions, and holding accountability is gonna kill our recruiting? LoL! Think about how ridiculous that is. You honestly think every other school recruiting the same kids hasn't pointed out the obvious to them already? You suggesting the kids that committed to us did so only because they never read our board? C'mon. I give credit where credit is due, but I'll also speak up if I see things that are concerning. I def don't think I'm always right either. I hope to God I'm wrong. But no person, business or University ever reaches their goals by putting their head in the sand and making excuses.

  6. Default Re: Recruiting Updates 22-12-15...

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesTheJeweler View Post
    Brother, if a recruit is looking at perception as to whether he should come here or not, Ragin Pagin is the least of his worries!
    I totally agree.

    Why add to his worries?

  7. #79

    Default Re: Recruiting Updates 22-12-15...

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    I totally agree.

    Why add to his worries?

  8. #80

    Default Re: Recruiting Updates 22-12-15...

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    I totally agree.

    Why add to his worries?
    Add to his worries? What exactly is this board for? Lying? Pretending? Act like there's never anything to voice concern over? Seriously, I'd like to hear your answer.

  9. #81

    Default Re: Recruiting Updates 22-12-15...

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    CMD is the coach for at least two more seasons. Being publicly negative about him seems like people who love to be right when being wrong would be better for the program.

    Since he’s my coach regardless of how I might feel I’m supporting him for sure in 2023, and 2024.
    Please explain how voicing concern over the drop off in recruiting is not supporting the program. I'd love to hear it.

  10. #82

    Default Re: Recruiting Updates 22-12-15...

    Quote Originally Posted by Geaux View Post

    That part! Says it all.

    247 Sports is the only metric at the moment.

    Top five FBS programs recruit at a rate 300 points per class.

    Premier G5 programs at a rate of approximately 160 point per class.

    During CBN last two years we recruited at a rate of approximately 160 points per class and we witnessed the results.

    I love CMD, but seems like we are losing the grip on recruiting top G5 talent given our resources when compared to our G5 peers.
    You're not allowed to say that here. They'll come at you with pitchforks and torches! LOL! WITCH!!!!!

  11. Default Re: Recruiting Updates 22-12-15...

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesTheJeweler View Post
    Add to his worries? What exactly is this board for? Lying? Pretending? Act like there's never anything to voice concern over? Seriously, I'd like to hear your answer.
    Pretend you are not the purveyor of truth and try recruiting "to" instead of away from.

    I'm sure there is some kind of positive message you can come up with. Just offering an option.

  12. #84

    Default Re: Recruiting Updates 22-12-15...

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesTheJeweler View Post
    Please explain how voicing concern over the drop off in recruiting is not supporting the program. I'd love to hear it.
    Wins are down

    Attendance is way down

    Donations are down

    Recruiting rankings down

    Stadium pushed back for who knows how long

    What a great outlook for the future.

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