Not UL/CF centric, but the economy has been very hard on people everywhere! If I have to decide whether to put food on the table for a week or go to the game/tailgate it’s not a difficult decision. Now I realize that’s not the case for a good portion of the demographic we’re talking about, but it might be the difference between getting 10-15,000 vs 25-30,000.
Tailgating. I think what many have stated regarding tiers is spot on! Premium locations nearer the stadium should cost more and maybe even require RCAF donation. But spots along the fences should be considerably less ($100?).
Much like inside the stadium. People wanting premium seating will pay the going rate, but you can’t fill the East side and/or end zone by over valuing those seats. Premium seating aside, do you want 10,000 seats at $30/seat, or 30,000 seats at $10/seat??? Either way it’s $300,000; but a huge difference in atmosphere and making it a place people want to be. But as also stated, the university needs to have amenities in place to handle the attendance and not _____ the bed again, and again …