Sure, whatever, but why would anyone pay for a spot off the road when they can get there early enough to claim it?
Besides, wouldn't you want to be around different people every week instead of the same stale neighbors over and over. That just creates a bad environment, IMO
Take the remaining Spots that are available and cut them in four. You can easily fit a 10 x 10 in each of those spots, sell them for %25 the price to families. You get the same amount of money for every 4 family spots and you make it affordable for a family to do so. You in turn get a lot more people out there. The spots are huge, you can put a 20 x 20 and still fit a vehicle. A single family just doesn’t need that much room and can’t justify spending that much money IMO. Not everyone goes to games with large groups.
I can offer RV tailgate information. Been having my spot for the last 8 years. Cost for the RV spot has been in the same range during those years....about $ 1100 per season. Minimum RCAF donation is $ 1200. They have offered individual game RV spots. Max attendance this year was during Homecoming. I counted 52 RVs in the RV lot. On a typical Saturday we typically have 35 RVs in the lot
Thank you for bringing this up. This is one of the biggest fumbles we have with the whole tailgating issue. The RV lot should be a village. It's tumble weed town right now. I think there are 87 spots. We're consistently missing out on 2/3 of the available "inventory." Speaking of business sense, it makes NO sense to leave 2/3 of your product totally untapped. In all aspects, we need to be much more efficient but in particular, the RV situation needs to be addressed immediately.
Yes sir.
$2,300 for RV spot. Which is on par with some other large universities.
$925-$1,000 the rights to a tailgate spot. Still waiting for someone to show me an NCAA school who demands that price for tailgating spot with zero amenities.
See attached file for tailgating spot and RV prices.
I guess it depends on how you look at it. For me the RV spot was $ 1,100. I was an RCAF member prior to getting an RV spot and met the requirement for obtaining an RV spot. If a new person that was not a member of RCAF wanted to get a spot then yes....$ 2,300 would be the outlay. If they were already a RCAF donor...let's say at the $500 level then the RV spot would cost them $ 1,800. Its about $ 200 per game for us in a season when you have 5 SATURDAY home games. We do not bring the RV for the weekday games. We got lucky last season. The regular schedule had 4 saturday games & 2 weekday games. We were able to get a 5th tailgate in due to hosting the conference championship.
I definitly like your perspective, but see onboarding from ground zero as prohibitive to growth.
I would prefer you get closeness perks and other perks as an RCAF member, letting the membership grow organically.
Not a fan of requiring membership for RV parking.
You did teach me one other thing with your post. I had not looked at the RV lot as being 100% RCAF members before.
First and foremost…put the students back at their old spot on the visitor side.
I don't care how valuable those seats become monetarily, they are most valuable with students occupying the location.
A full student section sells tickets everywhere else in the stadium.
Yanking students around hither and thither goes down as one of the dumbest moves of all time at The Swamp.
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