money grabThis post is spot on. Since they removed most all of the perks, RCAF is just a burden.
I have been an RCAF member since it's inception. Being a member used to have perks, but that is no longer the case.
Years ago, a certain RCAF donation amount would get you parking passes to football, basketball and baseball as part of you RCAF membership. The donation made it worth it just for the parking passes. Then parking passes started costing an additional $60 each on top of your donation.
You can donate $100,000 to the RCAF, and then ask for a parking pass and the RCAF says, "That will be an additional $60".
The only thing an RCAF donation does for the donor is gives a donor the rights to spend more money.
I believe tying the RCAF to literally everything (parking, tickets, tailgating, etc.) has led to it's dwindling numbers.
Instead of jumping through all the RCAF hoops, I know quite a few former RCAF members who now park across the street, pay $15 to get in the alumni tent, enjoy unlimited beer/food, and then walk up to the gate and buy a ticket.