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Thread: Tailgating Discussion

  1. #85

    Default Re: Tailgating Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by GreatestStory View Post
    This post is spot on. Since they removed most all of the perks, RCAF is just a burden.

    I have been an RCAF member since it's inception. Being a member used to have perks, but that is no longer the case.

    Years ago, a certain RCAF donation amount would get you parking passes to football, basketball and baseball as part of you RCAF membership. The donation made it worth it just for the parking passes. Then parking passes started costing an additional $60 each on top of your donation.

    You can donate $100,000 to the RCAF, and then ask for a parking pass and the RCAF says, "That will be an additional $60".

    The only thing an RCAF donation does for the donor is gives a donor the rights to spend more money.

    I believe tying the RCAF to literally everything (parking, tickets, tailgating, etc.) has led to it's dwindling numbers.

    Instead of jumping through all the RCAF hoops, I know quite a few former RCAF members who now park across the street, pay $15 to get in the alumni tent, enjoy unlimited beer/food, and then walk up to the gate and buy a ticket.
    money grab

  2. #86

    Default Re: Tailgating Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    Forcing people to be RCAF donors is another reason why RCAF membership numbers are in the tank. It's not a privilege or a perk to be an RCAF donor. It's a ball and chain.

  3. #87

    Default Re: Tailgating Discussion

    Over the last 2 decades, we built a program that beat 2 P5s, won several Bowl games, achieved 2 end of year Top 15 rankings and won more games than anybody ever imagined.

    The people never showed up like we thought they would. Win and people will come has been proven wrong. It is obvious that the majority of people in Acadiana have decided it is way easier and more rewarding to follow lsubr than invest any time/money in this program.

    There is NO connection anymore from the Cajun people to the university that calls its sports teams the Ragin Cajuns.

    IMHO, before we entertain any other plans for revenue growth or program restructuring, we MUST embark on a committed, lifelong courtship of the CAJUN people. Everything we do should be geared towards rebuilding familial ties.

    Without the Cajun people in full support and communion, NOTHING will change. We need to put the Cajun back in the Ragin Cajun Athletic Foundation.

    Forget about high dollar stuff right now. If a few whales want to fund a stadium renovation, so be it, but we need to focus on getting our family back together.

  4. #88

    Default Re: Tailgating Discussion

    Yes I think getting the family back together means making the majority of tailgating free and first come first serve. We need people first and people will bring more people.

  5. Default Re: Tailgating Discussion

    2023 . . . everything is FREE . . . come one come all . . .

  6. #90

    Default Re: Tailgating Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    This is the problem.

    RCAF membership should not be a prerequisite.

    I don't have a problem with RCAF members getting priority spots, but forcing spots to become RCAF donors is cash flow dumb.
    I agree with you on priority spots for RCAF. But like KK said earlier every spot located inside the fences of Cajun Field should be considered priority. They are 20x20 in a prime location. They are worth something. Create a totally separate area for all who want to tailgate at no charge on a first come first serve basis. Many have said the east side by frat row, the softball field and PE building would be the best option. I agree.

  7. #91

    Default Re: Tailgating Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by KajunKrazy View Post
    You obviously haven't read my many other post on the numerous threads on this topic. I am one with vision on this subject and it is much larger than inside the gates of Cajun field. To fix tailgating inside of CF all you have to do is fix the problems inside the stadium at Cajun field. You make that desirable and Cajun field tailgating will fix itself as it is very affordable and a very good deal for the location of a 20x20 spot. I am in TG 1 the most "prime spots" and I pay less than 100 dollars per game. You can't get that value for that size spot anywhere. If you want to grow tailgating to the likes of 30k you have to think out side of CF gates. I have posted those thoughts many times. Look them up if you are interested.

    If I were to change one thing at CF it would not be the cost of the spot maybe go down on the level of investment by a couple of hundred. You may get new members to the RCAF who join just to buy a spot.
    Agree 100%. Fix inside the stadium and TG will fix itself.

  8. #92

    Default Re: Tailgating Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by BigSaucey View Post
    Yes I think getting the family back together means making the majority of tailgating free and first come first serve. We need people first and people will bring more people.

  9. #93

    Default Re: Tailgating Discussion

    $20 to park, first come, first serve with no RCAF donation

    Free tailgating spots, wild west style, first come first serve beginning at 1700 the night before the game.

    Reserve tailgating along Reinhardt and the stadium

    There you go, there you have it. Problem solved.

    You're welcome.

  10. #94

    Default Re: Tailgating Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by Esqueleto View Post
    $20 to park, first come, first serve with no RCAF donation

    Free tailgating spots, wild west style, first come first serve beginning at 1700 the night before the game.

    Reserve tailgating along Reinhardt and the stadium

    There you go, there you have it. Problem solved.

    You're welcome.
    If there are people right now willing to pay the current prices for Tailgating, it would make little sense to strip them of that TG spot. A better way might be to offer all unrented lots up for grabs on the first Game Week and every home game thereafter.

  11. Default Re: Tailgating Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by John Cocktolstoy View Post
    I agree with you on priority spots for RCAF. But like KK said earlier every spot located inside the fences of Cajun Field should be considered priority. They are 20x20 in a prime location. They are worth something. Create a totally separate area for all who want to tailgate at no charge on a first come first serve basis. Many have said the east side by frat row, the softball field and PE building would be the best option. I agree.
    Because The organic value has been sucked out of tailgating, you have to start from scratch.

    Always remember and never forget, the spots are not worth a dime of they don't sell.

    Put a value on the TG spots that will guarantee a sellout, then give RCAF members first dibs. It shouldn't take existing RCAF members more than a week to pick their favorite spots.

    If you want to have an RCAF drive while this is happening that is fine but but requiring an RCAF membership is nuts.

    Filling Cajun Basin first is Priority One.

  12. #96

    Default Re: Tailgating Discussion

    When it comes to tailgating, RCAF, parking, tickets, concessions, etc, administration does not understand simple economics. Supply and demand. Demand is way down but administration doing nothing to get demand back up.

    Specifically when it comes to tailgating, I was all for paid spots. Back in 2005 or so it was getting crazy stupid with the 1st come 1st serve. We were having to show up on Wed or Thu to get our spot. Yes, we were not supposed to at the time and almost got run off a few times but we did what we have to do.

    Now, that demand is not even close to being the same. Something needs to change to bring the demand back. Personally, I think parking and RCAF in combination need to be re-evaluated.

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