Media gonna Media…….
“They do these teases to get you to watch later on. They’re so incredibly cruel: ‘It could be the most deadly thing in the world and you may be having it for dinner. We’ll tell you what it is tonight at 11:00.” Ellen then mimes looking down at a dinner plate. Mouth twisted in mock fear, she asks, “Is it peas?”
Thats a real thing, sort of. Long story short, I despise green peas served alone. My kids and bride hid them in other food to pick at me. Two days later I dropped dead…it’s now a family joke. Killer peas…
Feel free to laugh…or not.
God is good.
The administration could not let something “just happen”. It’s almost winter, rain and wind will come. If the students keep it going, where it might become, gasp, a tradition, help them make it safer and grow. And if it doesn’t grow, it goes away and nobody is the bad guy.
Knowing the mother hen mentality the fossil DNA has left behind, I’m sure they’re biggest concerns were copy cat attacks on students the pecan patrol guys wouldn’t see coming…or is it spontaneous fun?
"organic student tailgate"?
Seems Texas State's admin is jacking with the fans and Greeks too.
Reading that thread got me thinking beyond my parochial view of our attendance woes and more long-term/big picture about this new generation of football fan. We're expecting the same kids/generation that can't function without a tablet and a constant stream of entertainment to attend and stay for the entirety of games. I think G5 teams are at the forefront of what's going to trickle up to P5 and maybe even NFL events in the coming 20+ years if sporting events can't speed up and keep the fans engaged.
Very good post. That’s why I’ve been adamant posting about UL figuring out how to grow RCAF now and become proactive and not reactive.
Both universities have the same issues getting students (and their future donors) inside the stadiums. It takes more than wining. Am willing to bet blaring PA systems isn’t the fix either.
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