The new football fan does not yet fully understand the game, and doesn't have a friend at the game to drop minute explanations in their ear.
By way of reminder, on Ragin Review, listen to the "Gator" hopping National Champion Ski Team and notice how these people from around the world came to have a "love of the game."
Football game that is.
The casual fan was able to drive up to the stadium with the wife and kids. Buy tickets at the ticket booth and walk into the gate. That simple concept no longer exists with the advent of the RCAF.
I think the university should rethink its position with the RCAF in regards to the casual fan. The casual fan doesn’t need the university nor the RCAF. The university does need the casual fan.
Do you think the large stadiums that are full on any given weekend are filled because of die hard fans? Not hardly.
I can only explain it to you. I can’t make you understand it. Yes things change. But was the change for the better? Attendance numbers would say no. But hey, you do you. But stop complaining about the attendance. It’s falling on the deaf ears of the casual fan. As I’ve said before and has been mentioned by others, it’s too easy to now stream a game.
You really don’t know what you are talking about. Have you ever been to a game lately? The casual fan can drive up and literally park directly across the street from the stadium for free and walk right up and buy a ticket to the game. If that fan gets there 30 minutes early there is probably no ticket line. No where else in America can a casual fan do that.
Now lets compare that to App st who has a packed stadium every weekend. If you park any where on the campus you have to be their equivalent to a RCAF member and you pay to park. If you are not you can’t even park any where on campus and you go find some private lot where the owner charges what ever he wants. That is proof that attendance has nothing to do with cost of parking.
The poor attendance here is all about an apathy for the program. Not the parking and tailgating situation. If it were free people still wouldn’t come at this point because they just don’t care.
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