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Thread: Tailgating Discussion

  1. Default Re: Tailgating Discussion

    How about, you don't NEED AN RCAF membership, but if you have one, you qualify for a graduated discount.

    There should be a sweet spot membership that if you support Athletics enough "in person" across enough sports with season tickets ... the discounts pay for your RCAF membership.

  2. #122

    Default Re: Tailgating Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    The best day ever "in the stadium" will not increase attendance outside the stadium.

    The best day ever "in the stadium" will pull outside tailgaters into the stadium.
    Boy that theory has been disproven many times over. Many times on our best tailgating years the same people that were tailgating before the game, were tailgating during the game and still tailgating after the game. Back then the message board discussion was we need to make people show their ticket to get into the gates of Cajun field parking lot because they just come for the free tailgate and never enter the game. You made 0 off of the huge tailgate party. But you did provide them free entertainment.

  3. #123

    Default Re: Tailgating Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by Esqueleto View Post
    $20 to park, first come, first serve with no RCAF donation

    Free tailgating spots, wild west style, first come first serve beginning at 1700 the night before the game.

    Reserve tailgating along Reinhardt and the stadium

    There you go, there you have it. Problem solved.

    You're welcome.
    I love the way you cheap folks want to claim spots for free from those who have been loyally buying them for over 25 years now. Been having the same neighbors since mid 90s lets just kick them all out and let a bunch of ya hoos claim it for free. Great business model.

  4. #124

    Default Re: Tailgating Discussion

    The downturn was when they started nickel and diming people. Hud showed what we were capable of. Fans saw a the start of a great atmosphere. The admin saw dollar signs. The team and Hud ____ed off a large group fans and the admin still saw dollar signs. Napier came in and created a cULture and ALL THE ADMIN SAW WAS DOLLAR SIGNS. They are too shortsighted to see that dollar signs come with a large fan base, just in smaller quantities. The fans donating smaller amounts have less disposable income and therefore consider the little things when choosing where to spend. The big dogs don’t care. They have several commas in their bank account. Some will carry those big donations from generation to generation. Most will not. There are two in particular that always seem to be buddying up with Maggard on road trips. Why is he spending so much with them? They are obviously all in. I honestly have forgotten what Maggard’s voice sounds like because we NEVER HEAR FROM HIM. Maggard came in and made some noise early but seems like he’s found a cozy spot in the good ole boys club.

  5. Default Re: Tailgating Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by KajunKrazy View Post
    Boy that theory has been disproven many times over. Many times on our best tailgating years the same people that were tailgating before the game, were tailgating during the game and still tailgating after the game. Back then the message board discussion was we need to make people show their ticket to get into the gates of Cajun field parking lot because they just come for the free tailgate and never enter the game. You made 0 off of the huge tailgate party. But you did provide them free entertainment.
    I didn't say the best day ever "in the stadium" will purge the tailgaters into the stadium.

    Fact is when the lot was full, more tailgaters went into the game, than the total number of tailgaters there are today.

  6. #126

    Default Re: Tailgating Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by KajunKrazy View Post
    I love the way you cheap folks want to claim spots for free from those who have been loyally buying them for over 25 years now. Been having the same neighbors since mid 90s lets just kick them all out and let a bunch of ya hoos claim it for free. Great business model.
    If the people around here are as ____ty as you claim, you should have no problem claiming your spot and you can donate the extra money to pump up our RCAF numbers.

  7. #127

    Default Re: Tailgating Discussion

    The elephant in the room is the 35–40-million-dollar athletic budget that we still have to come up with to be competitive in the SBC. If they give everything away free, who pays for that? The money will not fall out of the sky. I don't know the answer, but the administration has been trying to find a way to support the programs and they have tried to increase revenue sources. Maybe they did it wrong, but I guess they had to try something since we don't have a "T Boone Pickens" to write huge checks. I think there is a balance there somewhere, but the key right now is to get people interested enough to show up. I remember we used to say: "just win and they will come" on this forum. Apparently, that was not true.

  8. #128

    Default Re: Tailgating Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by RougaWhite&Blue View Post
    Where is the RV lot? Did texas am have to pay back in 1996 when their RVs seemed to show up very early and hog up school parking leading up to the game.
    North Endzone parking lot in between the stadium & Congress Street. 3 rows of RV spots with full electrical hookups. 87 spots total

  9. #129

    Default Re: Tailgating Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRage View Post
    If the people around here are as ____ty as you claim, you should have no problem claiming your spot and you can donate the extra money to pump up our RCAF numbers.
    Not sure why you coming at me? I am not the one that suggested making them all free and first come first serve. I am not a large donor but I have given to the RCAF since day 1 of its creation and have been buying the same tailgate spot for over 25 years. Why would the university want to refuse my money and others like me to make it free and first come first serve? Makes no sense to me.

  10. #130

    Default Re: Tailgating Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by KajunKrazy View Post
    Not sure why you coming at me? I am not the one that suggested making them all free and first come first serve. I am not a large donor but I have given to the RCAF since day 1 of its creation and have been buying the same tailgate spot for over 25 years. Why would the university want to refuse my money and others like me to make it free and first come first serve? Makes no sense to me.
    Because not many people want to PAY hundreds of dollars for the right to cook in a disgusting, empty, hot parking lot, as evidenced over the last few years.
    But keep your ____e atmosphere. It's the worst in the conference as it stands now.

  11. #131

    Default Re: Tailgating Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by KajunKrazy View Post
    Not sure why you coming at me? I am not the one that suggested making them all free and first come first serve. I am not a large donor but I have given to the RCAF since day 1 of its creation and have been buying the same tailgate spot for over 25 years. Why would the university want to refuse my money and others like me to make it free and first come first serve? Makes no sense to me.
    To get attendance up.

  12. #132

    Default Re: Tailgating Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by Esqueleto View Post
    Because not many people want to PAY hundreds of dollars for the right to cook in a disgusting, empty, hot parking lot, as evidenced over the last few years.
    But keep your ____e atmosphere. It's the worst in the conference as it stands now.
    Have you ever asked Brandon Domingue how many spots were unsold this year? I did back in September. Looking at the text now. There were 10 spots left unsold in TGs 1 and 2. TG4 sold out. So some body is buying them. Well over 80% sell rate in those areas. TG 3 and 5 don't do as well about 50% sold.

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