I understand that the university has agreed to lease the property across from Cajun Field (or is it behind the Hilton Gardens?) to the city for $1.00 a year for 30 years to allow for construction of the new auditorium to replace The Heymann Center. Now I know there is still some opposition to this location by the downtown development folks, but I am curious about the effects of this gift and I have some questions for those in the know.
1. Why is the lease free. It would seem that the university got slickered enough already when it sold the Horse Farm to the city on the cheap.
2. Does anyone know the exact location of the new facility. Will it be behind the Lite Center or behind the Hilton? Will this effect Cajun Field parking?
3. How is the university going to monetize this? Is there a plan to lease other property around the center to restaurants, bars, clubs, etc.? If so, how will this effect Cajun Field and the Cajun Dome as far as accessibility?
4. I guess the crux of this question is on the university side is "what's in it for me."
I was actually kind of excited that this location was selected until I saw the part about the dollar a year lease. I thought if the land was sold or leased for a decent sum, the proceeds could help build Cajun Field. But anyway, if you have any insight on this, I would appreciate if you can help me understand what is going on.