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Thread: When you make everything about money....

  1. #25

    Default Re: When you make everything about money....


    I'm not talking about a race to the bottom with ticket and concession prices...good value trumps cost, everytime

  2. Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Quote Originally Posted by lafman1 View Post
    I doubt it. That ship has sailed. The casual fans are aren’t going to the games anymore. It’s too easy to sit at home and stream the game.
    There is a never ending crop of potential fans, "that ship" sails for individuals but in reality it NEVER sails.

  3. #27

    Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Some really good points are being made here. It almost makes my ESPN+ theory seem shortsighted in the big picture.

  4. #28

    Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Quote Originally Posted by UL_Cajuns View Post
    So the stadium renovation is not happening. What a bad look. Silence from the admin when everyone is asking. We were told it would happen at end of 2021 season then we were told it would happen at end of 2022 season. Total silence now.
    This has a tremendous impact on the perception of this Football Program across the board and displays ineptitude on a magnificent scale. It matters to the fans. Not sure what else can be said. The "small time" effect is killing this program. People don't want this.

  5. Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    If you can’t understand:

    1. We don’t have all the funding.

    2. Inflation has increased the costs.

    3. Interest rates have increased the carrying costs.

    4. Everybody decided to stay home this season so revenue from attendance is down.

    5. Constant _____ing about head coach hire.

    And you guys want an announcement to start CF renovations . . .

  6. #30

    Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    If you can’t understand:

    1. We don’t have all the funding.

    2. Inflation has increased the costs.

    3. Interest rates have increased the carrying costs.

    4. Everybody decided to stay home this season so revenue from attendance is down.

    5. Constant _____ing about head coach hire.

    And you guys want an announcement to start CF renovations . . .
    Just transparency, Vic. They could come out tomorrow and repeat everything you said, lay out a route forward, and everyone will simmer down.

  7. #31

    Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Quote Originally Posted by Big Buds View Post
    Just transparency, Vic. They could come out tomorrow and repeat everything you said, lay out a route forward, and everyone will simmer down.
    This guy (CajunVic) thinks he has all the answers. You don’t owe him a response.

  8. Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Quote Originally Posted by Big Buds View Post
    Just transparency, Vic. They could come out tomorrow and repeat everything you said, lay out a route forward, and everyone will simmer down.
    I understand but most of that happened pretty recently. I’m sure they are evaluating all of these factors and trying not to jump the gun on the decision process to avoid further exacerbating the problem. We just had a huge election which could effect many of these factors so to respond before at least having a pulse on the effects of this election would have been premature. There are lots of moving parts that we all know about and are dealing with in our own businesses. We will just have to be patient.

  9. Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Quote Originally Posted by BananaHammock View Post
    This guy (CajunVic) thinks he has all the answers. You don’t owe him a response.
    From a guy sitting on a toilet.

  10. #34

    Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Quote Originally Posted by BananaHammock View Post
    This guy (CajunVic) thinks he has all the answers. You don’t owe him a response.
    But a question: where is he wrong here?

  11. #35

    Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Simple solution to the concession line problem: Beer dudes walking the stands.

  12. #36

    Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    I'm not advocating for this but I'm wondering.. If we kept everything the way it is but lifted the 'no re-entry' policy, would the 'fun' come back? The interest? The tailgating?
    MAT - I'll try to reply on the tailgating math this weekend. Or you can if you remember what we talked about a few weeks ago.
    People in Acadiana love to party - let's FN give them a parkinglot party. Remember, most peeps are followers ( WM tigga fans) and want to go where something fun is happening - Lord knows Cajun fans have to blaze our own trail!! Partying is what we do best - let's start there !! Camper spot 26 is doing it's part !

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