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Thread: When you make everything about money....

  1. #73

    Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Series question: do Cajun people just like to complain? We are a very emotional people. We show our emotions on our shoulders and passionate about just about everything including when we complain.

  2. #74

    Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Quote Originally Posted by ZoomZoom View Post
    Trolling or you just don’t get it?
    I have never heard it addressed that way. Thanks for the tip. For the record I don't troll.

  3. #75

    Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Quote Originally Posted by fanof71 View Post
    We need to get rid of Ticket Master...that will help bring down costs...
    It’s funny how we use Ticketmaster but TicketSmarter is a sponsor.

  4. #76

    Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Quote Originally Posted by fanof71 View Post
    Ended up at an Amazon Crate sale....
    I bought that Amazon crate. I now have the ticker for sale on eBay.

  5. Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    If you can’t understand:

    1. We don’t have all the funding.

    2. Inflation has increased the costs.

    3. Interest rates have increased the carrying costs.

    4. Everybody decided to stay home this season so revenue from attendance is down.

    5. Constant _____ing about head coach hire.

    And you guys want an announcement to start CF renovations . . .
    Regardless Vic, you have to get the messaging out to the fans. Especially the people that you told were being displaced in 2023. You can't send out correspondence about moving seats and then go silent when the plan changes. This dove tails into my point about fans feeling neglected. This is a primo example.

  6. Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Quote Originally Posted by beavis11 View Post
    MAT - I'll try to reply on the tailgating math this weekend. Or you can if you remember what we talked about a few weeks ago.
    People in Acadiana love to party - let's FN give them a parkinglot party. Remember, most peeps are followers ( WM tigga fans) and want to go where something fun is happening - Lord knows Cajun fans have to blaze our own trail!! Partying is what we do best - let's start there !! Camper spot 26 is doing it's part !
    Damn right we are..

  7. Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Quote Originally Posted by roarman View Post
    Sometimes it's the little things. Here's an example. For the last few years I could walk into Cajun Field and get a Deano's Pizza for $7. Went to get one this year and Deano's is no longer there. Instead, Papa John's is now selling pizza. I bought one. I took one bite. It was the worst pizza I have ever eaten. It tasted like cardboard. I threw it away. I don't know why Deano's was replaced by Papa John's. If it's because Papa John's paid more than Deano's was paying to sell pizza at games, that's a crying shame.
    Metcalf wasn't fulfilling his end of the contract so he was asked to leave. I support the university on that decision. But why haven't we approached Pizzaville or Pizza Village? Somebody in this town must be interested in making money...

  8. Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Quote Originally Posted by ZoomZoom View Post
    They didn’t have the engineering or plans even ready when the notice was sent out. I know you have to appear to support the admin to stay in the secret handshake club to get “breaking news”, but they were not in a position to even consider moving the UD folks this year.

    Covid is just convenient cover down the road, like the rest of CV’s list. They had zero engineering and plans at that point in time.

    Know your too young to know about the RCC. Started mid 80’s. Had renderings of east side deck, etc., built the CF seating in the curves and no more infrastructure. RCC silently goes away, remains as premium seat charge.

    Cajundome, needed an out of office EWE to put the deal together, which is why we have a dome. What looked promising at first is an albatross.

    Even Russo park isn’t complete, still need locker rooms.

    This is exactly correct.

  9. Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    Such a big deal has been made out of this unfortunate premature notice then and again no how can you wonder why no more fricking notices have been given.
    No, its the opposite. The uproar is precisely because there has been ZERO communication about the biggest project in UL football history.

  10. Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Quote Originally Posted by cjr3888 View Post
    Biggest obstacle to overcome:
    People in the Lafayette area will complain no matter what the administration does. We’re not the purple team so they think everything should be free.

    On price, we are at the right price point if they can overcome the Lafayette Little Brother attitude. Parking next to the stadium at Southeastern (like ours inside the fence) is $25 per game. Tailgate spot at Florida State is $500 per year for a basic spot (comes turnkey with tent, chairs, & ice chest). Good luck parking anywhere near the stadium at Florida State without a parking pass. Even their tailgate area charges $35 a person to enter. However, UL can offer everything for free and the Lafayette people will still find a BS excuse to stay home.
    We are not App. We are not Florida St. We are not anyone else but us. We are a unique case. It's time people stop comparing our situation to anything else.

    Stop politicking for the admin, dude. Yes, there will always be some that complain. But the MAJORITY will stop complaining when the simple things are taken care of.

  11. #83

    Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunrunner View Post
    The last two, I understand fans’ frustrations.

    The first, Come On, Man.
    Have you seen the cost once you get past the ridiculous Ticket Master fees?

  12. #84

    Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Quote Originally Posted by cjr3888 View Post
    ...However, UL can offer everything for free and the Lafayette people will still find a BS excuse to stay home.
    Can you give us an example of when that occurred?

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