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Thread: When you make everything about money....

  1. #37

    Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Quote Originally Posted by beavis11 View Post
    MAT - I'll try to reply on the tailgating math this weekend. Or you can if you remember what we talked about a few weeks ago.
    People in Acadiana love to party - let's FN give them a parkinglot party. Remember, most peeps are followers ( WM tigga fans) and want to go where something fun is happening - Lord knows Cajun fans have to blaze our own trail!! Partying is what we do best - let's start there !! Camper spot 26 is doing it's part !
    Jeaux got the crabs bruh?

  2. #38

    Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Quote Originally Posted by ULvictory View Post
    Maybe our Cajun Field experience should add a "sauce" of its own. Maybe that will get people back.
    We’re trying to make Melvin the security guard be the sauce. He ain’t the sauce.

  3. #39

    Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Yes he does - even in Boone, NC !!

  4. #40

    Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Another thing - how about the lady at the beer booth not sell to a 50yr old man who didn't have his ID on him. ____ed me the f off - I know, I should've had stayed in my seat and just hollered at the guy walking up and down with the beer tub - my bad !!

  5. #41

    Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Wish there were only two or three things needed to turnaround ticket sales & attendance but its more complex than that. Everyone on this thread made excellent points. The game day experience suffers with less tailgaters, less students in the stadium, less Greeks, less people in general. Lift some restrictions. I can't ever remember there being a problem with folks coming and going after halftime. Why are we worried about scanning tickets anymore? Just let folks show their ticket and walk in. This is not an exact analogy about importance of tailgating but if you've ever been to a well attended DU Banquet and wonder how they sell all those tickets to pack the house, the answer is DU volunteer committees focus on selling tables of 8 and 10 people. The person or business 'reserving' the table brings in the people to their table who in turn buy a raffle ticket or something from the auctions. When the parking lots are filled with tail gaters, it creates enthusiasm and probably recruits more into the stadium. One more thing, my 25 y/o attended the game last night. I asked how was it. He was glad we won the game and also noted "it was mostly old people there. What happened?"

  6. #42

    Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Quote Originally Posted by fanof71 View Post

    I'm not talking about a race to the bottom with ticket and concession prices...good value trumps cost, everytime
    Sometimes it's the little things. Here's an example. For the last few years I could walk into Cajun Field and get a Deano's Pizza for $7. Went to get one this year and Deano's is no longer there. Instead, Papa John's is now selling pizza. I bought one. I took one bite. It was the worst pizza I have ever eaten. It tasted like cardboard. I threw it away. I don't know why Deano's was replaced by Papa John's. If it's because Papa John's paid more than Deano's was paying to sell pizza at games, that's a crying shame.

  7. Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    If you can’t understand:

    1. We don’t have all the funding.

    2. Inflation has increased the costs.

    3. Interest rates have increased the carrying costs.

    4. Everybody decided to stay home this season so revenue from attendance is down.

    5. Constant _____ing about head coach hire.

    And you guys want an announcement to start CF renovations . . .
    When UD folks receive notice they’ll move the next season yet no plans or engineering in hand at that point in time, that’s a “fumble.” All the reasons you list is just cover at that point…even if months later 100% valid. UL was NOT ready to take the step of moving ticket holders in 2022, should of never sent the email. The cart got put before the horse.

    Not the same, but another misfire on a stadium project. Different ADs, same Martin Hall.

    Want to lose fans? Notify fans a project is starting next season then don’t deliver, regardless of reason. Word will get out that shows you were not ready to begin with, you now have the credibility of a turnip, as does the sunshine pumpers.

    Ragin Cajun Club 2.0. And the fan base erodes for multiple reasons then squeezing those who have stayed loyal, further eroding the base.

    Need money? Go hit up LPTFA for a few mil. It’s the taxpayers’ money. UL will get the stadium when all the ducks line up.

  8. #44

    Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Quote Originally Posted by ZoomZoom View Post
    When UD folks receive notice they’ll move the next season yet no plans or engineering in hand at that point in time, that’s a “fumble.” All the reasons you list is just cover at that point…even if months later 100% valid. UL was NOT ready to take the step of moving ticket holders in 2022, should of never sent the email. The cart got put before the horse.

    Not the same, but another misfire on a stadium project. Different ADs, same Martin Hall.

    Want to lose fans? Notify fans a project is starting next season then don’t deliver, regardless of reason. Word will get out that shows you were not ready to begin with, you now have the credibility of a turnip, as does the sunshine pumpers.

    Ragin Cajun Club 2.0. And the fan base erodes…

    Need money? Go hit up LPTFA for a few mil. It’s the taxpayers’ money. UL will get the stadium when all the ducks line up.
    Labor and material cost associated with covid changed the game.

  9. Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Quote Originally Posted by JMVCAJUNS View Post
    Labor and material cost associated with covid changed the game.
    They didn’t have the engineering or plans even ready when the notice was sent out. I know you have to appear to support the admin to stay in the secret handshake club to get “breaking news”, but they were not in a position to even consider moving the UD folks this year.

    Covid is just convenient cover down the road, like the rest of CV’s list. They had zero engineering and plans at that point in time.

    Know your too young to know about the RCC. Started mid 80’s. Had renderings of east side deck, etc., built the CF seating in the curves and no more infrastructure. RCC silently goes away, remains as premium seat charge.

    Cajundome, needed an out of office EWE to put the deal together, which is why we have a dome. What looked promising at first is an albatross.

    Even Russo park isn’t complete, still need locker rooms.


  10. Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Quote Originally Posted by ZoomZoom View Post
    They didn’t have the engineering or plans even ready when the notice was sent out. I know you have to appear to support the admin to stay in the secret handshake club to get “breaking news”, but they were not in a position to even consider moving the UD folks this year.

    Covid is just convenient cover.
    Such a big deal has been made out of this unfortunate premature notice then and again no how can you wonder why no more fricking notices have been given.

  11. #47

    Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Quote Originally Posted by ZoomZoom View Post
    They didn’t have the engineering or plans even ready when the notice was sent out. I know you have to appear to support the admin to stay in the secret handshake club to get “breaking news”, but they were not in a position to even consider moving the UD folks this year.

    Covid is just convenient cover down the road, like the rest of CV’s list. They had zero engineering and plans at that point in time.
    You are far off base if you think I support the administration or even get information from them. I stated facts that these issues contributed to the delay, you are just failing to accept them. I have no clue about the engineering or plans and never did I say that they didn't screw the pooch.

  12. Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Quote Originally Posted by JMVCAJUNS View Post
    You are far off base if you think I support the administration or even get information from them. I stated facts that these issues contributed to the delay, you are just failing to accept them. I have no clue about the engineering or plans and never did I say that they didn't screw the pooch.
    You keep missing the point…they didn’t have construction documents done or pre engineering when the UD notice went out (noted on this site). That’s THE big mess up, especially to those who understand construction. Starting was at least a year off under ideal conditions.

    That’s not something that would happen easily or timely. They grossly jumped the gun and should of never said a word. All the other things, inflation, short term financing, material costs came later but makes great cover after the email was sent out. And RCAF falters for a bit.

    All CV’s excuses are legit TODAY, PROVIDING the pre construction engineering is complete and the final plans are done. Otherwise, it’s carbon monoxide suitable for colon consumption.

    Never thought I’d say this but…I know it behooves the admin, but a sit down straight talk with the RR guys goes along way. Softball questions from media partners won’t fix the faith/trust, it’s just friendly cover.

    Can’t explain it any clearer than that.

    I’m still a Maggard fan, but how quickly and proficiently he fixes this may be what separates him from TDP as our best AD ever.

    He’s still popular, but I watched him the other night at the BB games shake hands with multiple people. Take the RCAF leaders out the mix, median age was a solid 50. That’s also an urgent hurdle. In the religion business, it’s called a dying church. Not enough young donors to sustain.

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