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Thread: When you make everything about money....

  1. #181

    Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Quote Originally Posted by RougaWhite&Blue View Post
    “You should listen to podcasts not corporate radio, because corporate radio toes the party line, and wont dig deep and ask the tough questions and hold truth to power”- podcasters
    “Well the podcasters finally got their big break and are now toeing the party line and holding back, just like they accuse us of doing, go figure”- corporate radio

  2. Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginReview View Post
    It doesn't have to be calls and guests don't see the chat feature. Y'all can send questions in real time and we can drive the show accordingly.
    Guests might not see the chat feature at that point in time. But their friends may.

    ‘71, you know how the game is played. Put a guest in an adverse position, they’re not coming back.

  3. #183

    Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Quote Originally Posted by ZoomZoom View Post
    Guests might not see the chat feature at that point in time. But their friends may.

    ‘71, you know how the game is played. Put a guest in an adverse position, they’re not coming back.
    speaking of everything being a money grab, how are text book prices these days? And how does that impact the athletic scholarship, is there a $ limit per student per semester, or do they get unlimited, how do they proove they bought the book etc? or is everything on a tablet and they dont need to lug books around anymore?

  4. #184

    Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Quote Originally Posted by RougaWhite&Blue View Post
    speaking of everything being a money grab, how are text book prices these days? And how does that impact the athletic scholarship, is there a $ limit per student per semester, or do they get unlimited, how do they proove they bought the book etc? or is everything on a tablet and they dont need to lug books around anymore?

    my daughter rents most of her textbooks she isn't at UL but I'm sure its similar everywhere now. still ain't cheap and she doesn't care about end of semester booze money from selling back books like I did

  5. #185

    Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Quote Originally Posted by billbeck451 View Post
    my daughter rents most of her textbooks she isn't at UL but I'm sure its similar everywhere now. still ain't cheap and she doesn't care about end of semester booze money from selling back books like I did
    The Keg loved those crisp $1 bills.

  6. #186

    Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Quote Originally Posted by RougaWhite&Blue View Post
    speaking of everything being a money grab, how are text book prices these days? And how does that impact the athletic scholarship, is there a $ limit per student per semester, or do they get unlimited, how do they proove they bought the book etc? or is everything on a tablet and they dont need to lug books around anymore?
    Talk about going off topic...

  7. #187

    Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Quote Originally Posted by BeauCajun View Post
    The Keg loved those crisp $1 bills.
    Good times....

  8. #188

    Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Quote Originally Posted by ZoomZoom View Post
    Guests might not see the chat feature at that point in time. But their friends may.

    ‘71, you know how the game is played. Put a guest in an adverse position, they’re not coming back.
    We can set the chat feature to where only we see what is being asked.

  9. #189

    Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Quote Originally Posted by RougaWhite&Blue View Post
    “You should listen to podcasts not corporate radio, because corporate radio toes the party line, and wont dig deep and ask the tough questions and hold truth to power”- podcasters
    “Well the podcasters finally got their big break and are now toeing the party line and holding back, just like they accuse us of doing, go figure”- corporate radio
    Confused by this comment. Are you suggesting we've gone soft? If that's your take, I encourage you to listen to the Troy postgame show.

  10. Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginReview View Post
    We can set the chat feature to where only we see that is being asked.
    Thank goodness.

  11. #191

    Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginReview View Post
    Confused by this comment. Are you suggesting we've gone soft? If that's your take, I encourage you to listen to the Troy postgame show.
    That one is clueless...carry on RR

  12. #192

    Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Quote Originally Posted by fanof71 View Post
    Talk about going off topic...
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