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Thread: When you make everything about money....

  1. #1

    Support When you make everything about money....

    Just giving our entire attendance situation some thought…and while I understand, any athletic department in the country must generate funds, should that be the overwhelming task for the department. Or, should it be fan satisfaction? If fan satisfaction is job one, would attendance and revenue then grow organically, having fans satisfied and entertained and feel they are getting some sort of bang for the buck they spend, or is UL athletics just worried about making money and not growing or making an investment in the fan experience and therefore fan satisfaction. Would fans who are satisfied with the experience be more inclined to invest money in RCAF?

    So, instead of this normal marketing madness, which is needed, shouldn’t more time, money, and effort be spent on Fans (all fans, students included) satisfaction?
    What is the value of going to Cajun Field for a football game. $50, $100? What about casual fan and his family of 4 who just go to spend some time out of the house? What about the big RCAF donor? How do Students feel about the value of going to a home game? If the real and the perceived value increase, then isn’t it worth the effort of improving the fan experience at CF?

    I think this is where it all starts as far as improving attendance at CF. Most of these are simple fixes, but they need to be fixed. The experience of going to a game at CF is lagging way behind the quality of the football being played. It’s an easy solution, but may be a tougher job than renovating CF. Because when you make it all about money, and not about customer satisfaction, you are bound to lose customer after customer…

  2. #2

    Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Last night on the Ragin Review postgame pod episode, I used the Raising Canes analogy. Raising Canes sells chicken fingers, fries, coleslaw, and Texas toast. That's their menu. But what creates demand and a long line stretching out to the main road there are three simple traits:1) Great Quality 2) Affordability 3) Consistency

    From what I have heard from fans, the feedback I get is the tickets are too expensive; the lines to concessions are too long; and the games lack enthusiasm and energy. So all three of those traits are missing. Until we get those three things right and market it to the community consistently, we will continue to have crowds of 10-15k.

  3. #3

    Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    All under the heading of value and fan experiance...

  4. Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Stepping back, two big things impacted this season. The statement regarding continuing with CMD, not rebuilding.

    Second, stadium false start. I’m not a whale donor, but if I was, I’d be looking over the top of my glasses. Even as one minor member of the >2k members club, I’m paying attention. Need to fix that leaking dam ASAP. Shoot straight and clean ONE time on this. I really think MH knows they screwed the pooch on that (don’t give 2 flips why sunshine pumpers give). Some big names gave, and where’s the stadium or a time line that’s true. Smaller businesses aren’t going to jump in blindly now. HECK, UL DIDN’T EVEN HAVE THE PLANS, MUCH LESS ENGINEERING TESTING. Can’t misfire again.

    The game experience mismanagement is just icing on the cake…assumptions were made everything would tool along and nobody would notice.

    It is about money until the powers that be let go of RCAF, it will always be about money. Just like a high school. They hate it when parents create non profit booster clubs.

    If I were a betting man, I’m not alone.

  5. Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    The tailgating thing is what gets me the most..

    It's obviously not working but they're acting like the real estate is inventory. Which I get; you have to bring in revenue somehow. Especially when donors aren't donor'ing. But at some point, you have to evolve, adjust and accommodate people. You can't just look at the inventory and refuse to negotiate on price. There is a reason every retail store has a clearance rack.

    Change the model. Give some spots away. Lower the RV prices to get more people interested. (You want 7 RVs at 3k a year or 70 RVs at $300 a year: Optics matter)
    We will never get consistent crowds back until we fix the tailgate situation.

  6. #6

    Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Quote Originally Posted by ULvictory View Post
    Last night on the Ragin Review postgame pod episode, I used the Raising Canes analogy. Raising Canes sells chicken fingers, fries, coleslaw, and Texas toast. That's their menu. But what creates demand and a long line stretching out to the main road there are three simple traits:1) Great Quality 2) Affordability 3) Consistency

    From what I have heard from fans, the feedback I get is the tickets are too expensive; the lines to concessions are too long; and the games lack enthusiasm and energy. So all three of those traits are missing. Until we get those three things right and market it to the community consistently, we will continue to have crowds of 10-15k.
    Excellent post!

  7. #7

    Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    And that goes back to value for the dollar spent..

  8. #8

    Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Quote Originally Posted by ZoomZoom View Post
    Stepping back, two big things impacted this season. The statement regarding continuing with CMD, not rebuilding. Second, stadium false start. I’m not a whale donor, but if I was, I’d be looking over the top of my glasses. Even as one minor member of the >2k members club, I’m paying attention. Need to fix that leaking dam ASAP. Shoot straight and clean ONE time on this. I really think MH knows they screwed the pooch on that (don’t give 2 flips why sunshine pumpers give). THEY DIDN’T EVEN HAVE THE PLANS, MUCh LESS ENGINEERING TESTING. Can’t misfire again.

    The game experience mismanagement is just icing on the cake…assumptions were made everything would tool along and nobody would notice.

    It is about money until the powers that be let go of RCAF, it will always be about money. Just like a high school. They hate it when parents create non profit booster clubs.
    Excellent post.

  9. #9

    Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Quote Originally Posted by ULvictory View Post
    Last night on the Ragin Review postgame pod episode, I used the Raising Canes analogy. Raising Canes sells chicken fingers, fries, coleslaw, and Texas toast. That's their menu. But what creates demand and a long line stretching out to the main road there are three simple traits:1) Great Quality 2) Affordability 3) Consistency

    It's the sauce.

  10. Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunNation View Post

    It's the sauce.
    He has something here. Chicken is Chicken . . . sauce is not SAUCE . . .

  11. #11

    Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunNation View Post

    It's the sauce.
    Maybe our Cajun Field experience should add a "sauce" of its own. Maybe that will get people back.

  12. Default Re: When you make everything about money....

    Two excellent posts, let’s call it a day and go home . . .

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