The older I get, the more I seem to be able to be more patient with people's weaknesses including my own.
It seems my patience level gets lower & lower when I follow the game I love the most & see it being destroyed right in front of my eyes. I have just about come to the point where I can't stand watching an NFL game any more & that game was what drew me to football to begin with. And the absolute worst thing about the NFL is the more it goes down the toilet, the more it tries to drag the rest of the football world with it.
Let's face it. The NFL sucks. I mean it has gotten absolutely putrid. My team completely dominated this weekend & I'm still saying the NFL as a league has gone to hell. And why is that? Because they have gotten to the point where they run around in kazoo helmets with "shells" & shorts on & piddle around for an hour & call that practice. WTF are you practicing for, a pillow fight? And the sorry truth is that college is now following the lead of the league to a large extent & high school is on their heels, etc. etc. etc.
The fact is last week our guys went to Mississippi & played a team I can guarantee did some hitting in their practice work week. And it strongly appeared to me that our team managed to do no hitting that same week. Oh, I can feel the hairs coming up on the backs of some of your necks now. You can't wait to get on here & tell me how F'd up in the head I am. But the facts don't lie. If you don't practice physicality, then you're going to play like powder puffs while the guys who do spend time hitting in practice are going to look like they are ready to do just that.
In that vane, I do hope this coaching staff took a good long hard look at their coaching methodology & I do hope they decided to take whatever new coaching technique of the new decade that says hitting in practice is a bad thing & threw that philosophy in the trash can, put lighter fluid all over it, struck a match & burnt that piece of garbage like it needed to be burnt. I do hope that this team especially with nine days of practice opportunity is taking at least two days of it's precious practice time & using that to practice the long lost art of physical blocking & tackling. Because it doesn't matter how great your athletes are versus their athletes. If you don't practice being physical, then you're going to get embarrassed, whipped & worse yet INJURED when it comes time to play the game.
Notice, it ain't called the gridiron for no reason. And this whole damn sport better wake up & realize it, or they're not going to even exist in another ten years if it keeps going the direction it's going now.