With all apologies to ULM, USM is probably the best rivalry for us.
If you look back over the decades, most of our rivals weren't good matches: they generally lacked potential, resources, and vision: yes, they beat us in sports, but in enrollment, market size, research, graduate studies, et al. they generally fell short. In fact, as I have mentioned previously, we never really dominate our rivals, or even regularly split the series: we just look around one day, and they are no longer there. They just didn't keep up.
So here is the argument for USM:
1) We share geographic overlap, a must for almost all rivalries. Geographic overlap means your students and alumni interact, which keeps up interest in the game. We both draw heavily from New Orleans, and have many alumni there.
2) We've been playing USM in football since 1923, the earliest matchup of any team we regularly face.
3) There is more athletic parity with USM across the board, they tend to excel at many of the same sports we do. There will be more heated games between us throughout the year.
4) UL & USM are the only charter members of 1A (now FBS) in the 'Belt.
5) Academically they are a good match. There are only four R1 schools in the conference, UL, USM, Ga State & ODU. This opens the door for collaborations, as well as competitions.
So here is my suggestion to the group: Let's make this an intense, but amicable rivalry. Good smack should be good guff: the other guy should have a hard time keeping a straight face.
And as always, let's look for ways that we can cooperate off the arena,* politically, academically, and in volunteerism. (For you USM fans stopping by, UL has won the civic volunteerism crown in the 'Belt for the past couple of years [we've slipped this year]. I double-dare you to do more for your community than we do for ours. No, I triple-dare you, I triple-dog-dare you...)
Welcome to the FunBelt, Golden Eagles.
*We say in the arena, but arena is Latin for 'sand.' Gladiators fought on the arena, because it absorbed the blood.