I know when Hud was recruting the Fuselier kid out of CHSNI years ago he had video and he saw him live and his coach vouched for his 40 time they would not offer until the got him in camp and put the stop watch on him. Once they saw that for themselves they offered. The same can be said for the LeBlanc kid here now Tech and Billy both had interest but neither would offer. Both watched him live and video. He went to camps between his Jr and Sr year the clocked him and watched him run routes against their top DB prospects both offered before he left that day. Camps are huge in recruiting more so than video.
But not all levels are the same if you are in NWLA don't forget NWST and SFA in Nacadoches. If those fail there is always So Arkansas and Monticello and others in the GAC if he just wants to play football at any level.
My son got an offer at a camp in the summer going into his Sr year at the conclusion of a camp in June that he held until January. It got pulled after a QB unexpectedly dropped that was higher on their board. We sent out some last minute video to some schools with Sr season highlights and picked up a partial D2 scholarship in Arkansas. So you never know. It just depends what he wants to do.