I have been called out for being a loud obnoxious idiot who knows nothing about the game. And I have been lauded for at least caring about my team enough to scream when the boat has hit the ice berg & is taking on water. What am I? I am a fan, nothing more, nothing less. What sounds like passion is often times fan frustration. The reason for that frustration is often times you can see what's best in a situation when it appears that those closest to that situation either don't see it, can't see it, or see it & seemingly stubbornly refuse to do what's right just because they are in charge & they will do it when they're ready.
Nothing P.O.s a fan, or group of fans more than arrogant coaches, or by extension their proxies in their organization's PR/media who take it upon themselves to tell us that we just don't get the process, while many of us have spent the better part of our young lives sweating our balls off & getting our skulls cracked & beat up & bruised from head to toe being a part of the very process that these embecilic morons pretend we don't even know exists.
Many of us understand the process all too well. And many of us have been part of processes that should have been much more successful than they were because of the arrogance/ incompetence of the person most responsible for the failure, or lack of success of that process. And many of us have been apart of & seen the process for so long there is often times little to no doubt that we understand what is going on & why. But we also understand that when it is time to make a change to that process for the good of the organization whatever organization that may be, to stand pat in the thought that the predesigned process is the only way to be successful can be just as counterproductive as not having a process at all.
You can "accuse" fans of only being results oriented, but the fact is the results are what the whole freaking process is about. Without results the process means nothing & is nothing but Bull squat. So saying you have to have a process to achieve results might sound good. When the process begins to get in the way of results, then it is time to altar the process. Anyone who doesn't understand this doesn't truly understand the whole reason for the process to begin with & definitely has no right to preach to others about the process.