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Thread: Jay Walker I love the way you call games

  1. #73

    Default Re: Jay Walker is full of it

    Quote Originally Posted by fanof71 View Post
    I thought Kyle was about to catch a heart attack......
    So put yourself in my shoes. I have a guy who's accusing anyone on this board of opining about the QB situation, or anything else concerning the team for that matter of being complete nimrods who don't understand anything about the game refusing to even begin to have a conversation about their slander of the fan base in general after he had just dressed down a guy who had a reasonable opinion to start & blistered his bottom & the poor guy went away thanking him for being a horse's behind to him.

    What was I supposed to do? Say thank you sir may I have another. Then after the call which he refused to participate, he took what I said completely out of the context in which I said it & stated that it proved his ridiculous point, when in fact the point I was addressing was his accusation of the fans being hypocrites who are never accountable.

  2. #74

    Default Re: Jay Walker is full of it

    Oh by the way, while Jay was correct about some things. He was completely off base about the running game, because we haven't gotten better week after week there. And I have also bloviated about that as well. And I have stated an opinion as to why it sucks also. So this game if they have ditched that wretched blocking scheme for one that works & mix in some real power plays, traps & pulling plays to get hats on hats the way they should & it works, he can then say the fans know nothing about how a running scheme in BIG time college is suppose to work & be right again.

  3. #75

    Default Re: Jay Walker is full of it

    Jay is right. Of course he is right.

    (Most) fans are reactionary and results oriented. They call a coach a genius after a win and a moron after a loss, etc. They do it with maybe 1/10th of the information and expertise one would need to make an accurate judgement. And that's cool and all. It's just football after all. And social media is just where people go to talk, throw **** at the wall, and work things out.

    The problem comes when a fan has entirely too much conviction in their belief given the fact that they simply don't have enough information. With that much conviction, any pushback feels like a deeply personal attack. And that's how people end up spending an entire day ranting and raving at the people who dared challenge their belief.

  4. #76

    Default Re: Jay Walker is full of it

    One more thing. Like I said, none of this matters because it is football. But when it isn't football, it probably does matter. For example, if you get sick, please go to a damn doctor. Ignore the guy ranting on social media who pushes medical conspiracy theories. He doesn't have the information or the expertise. (I'd be willing to bet Jay Walker would call out that guy too.)

  5. #77

    Default Re: Jay Walker is full of it

    Reading through this entire thread, I come back to the same conclusion.

    Why does it matter what fans think and who cares if fans are right or wrong?

    The fact of the matter in all of this is that fans care enough to agree or disagree. They care enough to even talk about what's going on with the football team. Want to see fans not care? Go look at the Men's Basketball thread where they were voted Preseason favorites in the Sun Belt. Most posts in consist of asking "how" and laughing rather than being excited about the upcoming season. They're so checked out that there's no motivation to even start a conversation. Would you rather that?

    I enjoy the dialogue whether I disagree with it or not because at least we have people who care enough to talk about it. I'd rather that than no dialogue at all.

  6. Default Re: Jay Walker is full of it

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    One more thing. Like I said, none of this matters because it is football. But when it isn't football, it probably does matter. For example, if you get sick, please go to a damn doctor. Ignore the guy ranting on social media who pushes medical conspiracy theories. He doesn't have the information or the expertise. (I'd be willing to bet Jay Walker would call out that guy too.)
    What the ____ are you talking about... WE are talking about football. Either contribute to that discussion are shut the ____ up. Good hell man.

  7. #79

    Default Re: Jay Walker is full of it

    While we're on a wild goose chase here, I'll add to the chaos:

    BWK is invested in The GOAT and is just driving traffic to the show.

  8. #80

    Default Re: Jay Walker is full of it

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    What the ____ are you talking about... WE are talking about football. Either contribute to that discussion are shut the ____ up. Good hell man.
    No u.

  9. #81

    Default Re: Jay Walker is full of it

    Quote Originally Posted by IHateLaState View Post
    I have no idea what any of this is about but it was amusing to follow on a Tuesday afternoon
    Just think if it was a summertime thread.

  10. Default Re: Jay Walker is full of it

    Anyone else care to drive the bus . . .

  11. #83

    Default Re: Jay Walker is full of it

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    One more thing. Like I said, none of this matters because it is football. But when it isn't football, it probably does matter. For example, if you get sick, please go to a damn doctor. Ignore the guy ranting on social media who pushes medical conspiracy theories. He doesn't have the information or the expertise. (I'd be willing to bet Jay Walker would call out that guy too.)
    Trying to paint Jay as a hero in this situation as if this was the same as calling someone out for spreading harmful misinformation is a complete fallacy and disingenuous. Scott was discussing the LSU football game and his surprise at the level Daniels played at against Florida. Jay decided it was his time to get a dig in at UL fans because the man is incapable of stepping in front of a microphone and not doing so. A caller dared to call in and point out that Jay was essentially constructing a straw man by altering Cajun fans true gripe with the ULM game and was immediately cut off, talked down to, and told “im not gonna argue with you.”

    Jay did this his entire career. He would cut off any opinion not matching his own and end the discussion. The only difference in today and 2010 is the caller would’ve been  ed if it was Jay’s show. And this was all before Kyle even got on the phone.

    Today was my first time listening in a while and it’ll most likely be my last time listening for a while. To each their own though.

  12. #84

    Default Re: Jay Walker is full of it

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    Anyone else care to drive the bus . . .
    the fire Des village has been silent this week. weird

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