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Thread: Louisiana/Cajuns Apparel

  1. #1

    People Louisiana/Cajuns Apparel

    If anyone wants Addidas Cajun apparel, head to Absolutely! Custom Apparel & Graphics. Just went make a pass and ordered a custom Addidas shirt with the LOUISIANA athletic logo on the front with a FLD on the top of the back. Friendliest staff ever and the employee there emphasized that the owner wants to support UL.

    They have a nice inventory of Cajun apparel, I just wanted one with the Louisiana logo.

    See below for pictures of logos they are licensed to add to any apparel you would like. Can either order t-shirts from them or bring your own and have logos added.

    They are located at 3010 Kaliste Saloom Rd. Phone number is 337-232-7077.

  2. Default Re: Louisiana/Cajuns Apparel

    This must be their emroidery website.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Louisiana/Cajuns Apparel


  4. Default Re: Louisiana/Cajuns Apparel

    So what asshat at B&N didn’t get this memo?

    And hot wheels logo still out there…

    Thanks RT, Christmas right around the corner.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Louisiana/Cajuns Apparel

    Actually, you can even bring your own stuff and they will embroider it for you.

    I picked up a few long sleeve Henley‘s last fall, one was black and one was heather gray. They were just sitting in the closet and I thought they would look better with fleur-de-lis‘s on them so my wife brought them by and we had a fleur-de-lis on one and the Louisiana on the other.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Louisiana/Cajuns Apparel

    I have visors and shirts that I have purchased in the past at bells with the interlocking UL and no Lafayette underneath. Like the baseball team used to wear on their cap. It went away around the same time the baseball team stopped using it. Don’t see it in this selection either. Is it no longer an option? Has it been deemed illegal?

  7. Default Re: Louisiana/Cajuns Apparel

    Most like the thought of being just a little illegal . . . get’m made . . . live a little on the edge . . .

  8. #8

    Default Re: Louisiana/Cajuns Apparel

    Very good to know. I still don't see the Football Helmet logo though. We must be the only idiotic University in America that doesn't allow its' own helmet logo to be printed, you know, to support that team that 20,000 people go watch at a venue called CF on Saturdays.

    Attached Images Attached Images  

  9. #9

    Default Re: Louisiana/Cajuns Apparel

    I purchased this Cajuns half zip pullover jacket from Dicks Sports.

    These guys usually offer pretty spot on Cajuns apparel.

  10. #10

  11. #11

    Default Re: Louisiana/Cajuns Apparel

    Give one of these to every single UL babe on Campus.

    Want to see attendance increase.

    Let's Geaux.

  12. Default Re: Louisiana/Cajuns Apparel

    . . . who is they . . .

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