That thought it would be a good idea to close all gates entering Cajun Field, except for one, between 1:00 and 3:00 PM on a game day with a 4PM start? I arrived at gate 3 at 1:20 only to learn it was locked. For those who don't know gate 3 is the main gate that lots A,B,C and D enter into Cajun Field from Congress. The RCAF lots. The athletic donors. Because of the gate closers Congress became a parking lot from Cajun Dome Blvd to around Bayou Shadows apartment. The only gate that was open was on Bertrand that you had to turn right into CF heading north. After being rerouted from Congress to Johnston, to Bertrand, Bertrand became a log jam from Congress to Albertsons. Needless to say I got to Gate 3 at 1:20. I did not get into my parking spot in the C lot until 2:40. Sat in the traffic jam that whole time.
One quick observation is there were in the neighborhood 20 to 30 uniformed officers in the area. Why didn't they see the traffic jam and get at the lights and direct traffic to keep it flowing? In stead they just let people sit and the regular light cycles were the only thing directing traffic.