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Thread: Win The Event?

  1. What a Downer Win The Event?

    Failed miserably again.


  2. #2

    Default Re: Win The Event?

    Can't say I'm being overly positive, but I'll try to not be completely negative.

    Not negative:

    I thought the parade was fun and I'm glad they have it during the tailgate and not in the morning anymore. The kids enjoyed it.

    The tailgate was busy. At least on the West side. I did not go to the East side or RV. We got another family to come to the tailgate/game and I saw some people out there that don't normally show up.

    Alumni tent was packed, so that means more Alumni came out, right?

    Weather was amazing, but you can't thank the administration for that.


    Same old stuff with concessions and lines. We went easy this game and just got popcorn and water before kickoff. I walked to the Southside stands and used the RCAF fast pass. It was quick, but those poor people in line elsewhere. Even on the student side. 50 people deep for drinks as the game was going on. The funny thing is if you walked towards the scoreboard, there was no line at that beer stand. I've just resigned myself to the fact that nothing will ever change and you just have to learn to navigate it.

    Still under reporting attendance. Scanners broken, people not being counted, how is this still an issue? There were more than 20k there and that's just a fact.

    Student section sardine can. You know what I mean.

    Just bad offensive football. We didn't capitalize on a win streak and 4 years of quality play, now we are behind the 8 ball again? It feels like we're going backwards.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Win The Event?

    Our in stadium pregame is just so sad...the tradition of the RAGIN/CAJUN yell? Yep, 4x..2x each side...and silence before the team came out...can't we get better at this? Its just a boring execution. There are so many entertaining things that can be done with pre-game and players coming on to the field that would just knock the socks off and give the stadium an edge...CF is the least intimidating stadium I've ever been to...geezeus its aggrevating...

  4. #4

    Default Re: Win The Event?

    I heard they sold a broken seat to a fan..

  5. #5

    Default Re: Win The Event?

    Quote Originally Posted by fanof71 View Post
    Our in stadium pregame is just so sad...the tradition of the RAGIN/CAJUN yell? Yep, 4x..2x each side...and silence before the team came out...can't we get better at this? Its just a boring execution. There are so many entertaining things that can be done with pre-game and players coming on to the field that would just knock the socks off and give the stadium an edge...CF is the least intemidating stadium I've ever been to...geezeus its aggrevating...
    It's about ENERGY. We have to find a way to create energy in the stadium. As far as the "Ragin' Cajun" chant, what makes it so special is that it was created randomly by the fans. You can't force it which is kind of what the band does. How cool would it be is one side of the stadium chanted "Ragin'" and the other side chanted "Cajuns"? That's organic and would create energy. Someone just has to start it.

    As far as the Gameday experience, I mentioned on the pod that it took me almost 25 minutes to get in the stadium because the line was bottlenecked. I also arrived to my seat and saw someone sitting there because the seat next to ours had the bottom missing. Luckily, I got in touch with the right people; and they're fixing that issue. Concessions took forever again, so I just waited until we left to grab some food.

    The biggest issue in all of this is we don't do the easy things to market our games. Drive around town, and you wouldn't know we have a game. Also, you have Comic Con going on across the street at the same time as our game, yet we did not do anything to possibly bring some of the people attending to our games. We had the Latin Festival going on downtown. Same thing.

    Is there a way we can get with the city to give us six Saturdays in the Fall? Just give us six Saturdays. Find a way to consolidate whatever festivals/events that are going on with our football games. Something.

    There's so much low hanging fruit in all of this. We just have to put in the work to ask and TRY.

  6. Default Re: Win The Event?

    Simple fix. Just like in New Orleans, you get a local celeb or former player or recognizable name to walk out to the 50 yard line and start the Ragin Cajuns chant. But this is like #283947389274382974 on the list of importance when dealing with the problem of creating a shared energy inside the stadium.

    We can't even count attendance probably.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Win The Event?

    No, I get the organics of the Ragin point was that it was only done twice before they went on to something else.

  8. Default Re: Win The Event?

    Get people in the the habit of going to Cajun Field (or Cajun Basin in general) every Saturday night, year round.

    Are any of the big screens good enough quality to host a weekly (except during football) Louisiana Saturday Night at the movies?

  9. Default Re: Win The Event?

    We are in desperate need of organization here. Now every thread is a number of pop shots and hit pieces.

    Is there anything we do right so we can take that off the table? Let’s get that list going so we can start with some enjoyment.

    Then can we make two list- two long list of suggested changes.

    The first being the little things that can be fixed without much effort or money. Little things. Things that can and should happen before the next home game.

    Then the big list. The major things that are a must but may take time and/or money to implement.

    Each list needs to be made with organized direction and the steps needed to implement.

    Let’s go . . .

  10. #10

    Default Re: Win The Event?

    Quote Originally Posted by ULvictory View Post
    It's about ENERGY. We have to find a way to create energy in the stadium. As far as the "Ragin' Cajun" chant, what makes it so special is that it was created randomly by the fans. You can't force it which is kind of what the band does. How cool would it be is one side of the stadium chanted "Ragin'" and the other side chanted "Cajuns"? That's organic and would create energy. Someone just has to start it.

    As far as the Gameday experience, I mentioned on the pod that it took me almost 25 minutes to get in the stadium because the line was bottlenecked. I also arrived to my seat and saw someone sitting there because the seat next to ours had the bottom missing. Luckily, I got in touch with the right people; and they're fixing that issue. Concessions took forever again, so I just waited until we left to grab some food.

    The biggest issue in all of this is we don't do the easy things to market our games. Drive around town, and you wouldn't know we have a game. Also, you have Comic Con going on across the street at the same time as our game, yet we did not do anything to possibly bring some of the people attending to our games. We had the Latin Festival going on downtown. Same thing.

    Is there a way we can get with the city to give us six Saturdays in the Fall? Just give us six Saturdays. Find a way to consolidate whatever festivals/events that are going on with our football games. Something.

    There's so much low hanging fruit in all of this. We just have to put in the work to ask and TRY.
    We enter on the east side. It was a little slower this time as we were a little late leaving tailgating but we thru pretty easily. Looked like there was 4 or 5 ticket takers/scanners.

    My wife always makes the food runs and NEVER has issues with waiting in line. We're in teh upper deck and she never has a problem.

    I would say get in touch with Ben Berthelot at LCVC, at least. Remember, German Fest was also going on at Robert's Cove. I think this is more of an issue of those types of events not wanting to conflict with games in Refinerville than here.

    I was almost surprised Festivale Acadians/Creoles wasn't this weekend.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Win The Event?

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    Simple fix. Just like in New Orleans, you get a local celeb or former player or recognizable name to walk out to the 50 yard line and start the Ragin Cajuns chant. But this is like #283947389274382974 on the list of importance when dealing with the problem of creating a shared energy inside the stadium.

    We can't even count attendance probably.
    I was one of the first 50 folks let at the entrance by the oak tree, they tried to scan my phone, wouldn't work, and I was told to go ahead...

    And whoever the buffon is that scheduled a huge event like comic con at the CD on a game day should be fired....

    So much keeps going wrong on game days...WTF is in charge?

  12. Default Re: Win The Event?

    Quote Originally Posted by fanof71 View Post
    I was one of the first 50 folks let at the entrance by the oak tree, they tried to scan my phone, wouldn't work, and I was told to go ahead...

    And whoever the buffon is that scheduled a huge event like comic con at the CD on a game day should be fired....

    So much keeps going wrong on game days...WTF is in charge?
    Lack of communication between HMFsIC is one of the biggest issues. Event coordinator at CF, University officials, the Mayor's office, Berthelots's office, CD officials, and who ever the hell the designated official for athletic's is should ALWAYS be in touch when scheduling is on the table. In fact, throw the DT group in there as well.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Win The Event?

    So my homecoming weekend started with a victory. I had a busted water line which I was able to fix leak free by 12:30 with about 5 trips to the local hardware store mixed in Friday afternoon. Got showered & left the house at 1:45 headed for Old Tyme Grocery. Got the loaded Shrimp Poboy for under 13 dollars. once again not bad in today's screwed up over priced economy.

    As I was waiting for my sandwich I worked the crowd to see who was game ready & was shocked that only one other group in the joint even knew there was a football game at UL of (Martin Hall)Lafayette on Saturday. I met a family from Houma who came to see their Cajuns & they were all decked out in Cajun gear. SO kuddos to those guys.

    So it took like 5 minutes to get my sandwich as busy as OTG was & out the door I went to Congress & turned right on CDB. to follow the line to park. That line met the other line & instead of turning right, I turned left & had a nice shade tree to park under in front of some government building which was great. Pulled down the tail gate & listened to the new FM version of KPEL while devouring my Shrimp Poboy & washed it down with a beverage of choice in absolutely pristine weather.

    I then proceeded across the "free" parking area in the back 40 which was just fine with me since the weather was lovely & the grass fresh & green with no mud & muck anywhere to deal with. Until coming to the FENCE. Why the university has 40 acres of grass fenced off is beyond me. Maybe they do it for liability & to keep cars from trying to cut across he sidewalk at the end of games to shortcut their way onto Congress Street. I get that. But why not put a couple of pedestrian gates along the fence line where people can get to the side walk & get to the the stadium parking lot at the point of convenience? I mean how hard & expensive could this be? So Instead of going back East toward the Cajun dome to get to the open exit on CDB. I continued to the fence & followed it west on Congress until it met the UMC property line then back halfway toward where I originally parked in the field until finally getting to an opening to the Medical center property & then came right back around the fence to cross to Cajun Field & went to tail gating spot #26 where all the radicals come to hang out.

    There I met Escalito, Mel Rock, M$M, etc. In fact I met everyone but MAT. WTF Mat? Girl's soccer on a beautiful homecoming afternoon at UL? Anyway, It was all still pretty great except for the idiot fence. I got to meet a lot of the fellow posters on here & got to hang out with a lot of old friends who are so cool inside. So that experience was really really great.

    But I have come to one very rock solid reality about UL of Martin Hall, or ULMH for short. They are never ever ever ever going to change anything concerning the way they market themselves & the way they put out their product & the demographic they cater to & the demographics they clearly don't give a flying fart about. And nothing, nobody, no amount of screaming, or begging, or cojoling, or zoom meetings, or power point presentations, or internet conferencing is ever going to change that entrenched bureaucracy.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Win The Event?

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    Lack of communication between HMFsIC is one of the biggest issues. Event coordinator at CF, University officials, the Mayor's office, Berthelots's office, CD officials, and who ever the hell the designated official for athletic's is should ALWAYS be in touch when scheduling is on the table. In fact, throw the DT group in there as well.
    Bingo. Again, SIX SATURDAYS at most. Heck, maybe 3-4 if we have midweek home games.

    Shoudn't be that hard.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Win The Event?

    When it comes to festivals, they’re set by weekends and it’s the same every year. Examples:
    Gumbo Cookoff - 2nd weekend of October
    Tailgate Cookoff - 3rd weekend of October
    Christmas in the Village - 1st Saturday of December
    New Iberia Christmas - 2nd weekend of December

    Point is, these are set way before any football schedule is released. Planning is done year round and you can’t just move these events because of a football game.

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