So you work directly with CODAFIL? You work directly with the DownTown Development Authority? I'm going to guess no because I grew up with Louie Ancelet and I've had conversations with Barry on more than one occasion about bringing the Acadien Festival together with UL athletics in some capacity. An Annex version is simply a small sample to get you to buy the entire 3 course meal. Further than that, you don't speak for all the festivals around the area. We're not talking about an event in Loureauville. We're talking big time events that will get people to the games. And btw, having an annex version of a larger festival absolutely benefits them by getting the awareness to 20k+ people, many of which are new students, out of towners, and football fans that might not even know about these festivals. It benefits both parties.
Also, its FREEEEEE to ask questions. It's FREEEE to have a meeting. It's FREEEEE to negotiate.
Stop with the culture of CANT.
Never said I work with CODAFIL or DTA but I do work with other events and organizers in the area. Want to get an annexed version of a festival to Cajun Field on a Saturday? You better start planning now. Oh wait, the conference schedule isn't out yet so you don't even know if a festival will be scheduled on game day. I'm just pointing out the reality of scheduling. Your opinion of what will bring people is just that, your opinion. It's not a culture of CANT, I'm pointing out the viewpoint of the other side.
When I ran the old scoreboard we used to scroll scores of interest across.
Only problem was, if there was a drizzle at any point in the 72-hours leading up to the game, it would quit working.
You're pointing out why the admin shouldn't be blamed for being stuck in neutral. Like you always do. Working "with groups" to do cook-offs in Loreauville means nothing when you're talking about relationships between the University and private organizations that promote our culture world wide. I'm sure you'll probably take that the wrong way, but it's not meant to be a shot. We have too many people that think nothing exists outside of how they do things in St. Landry or St. Martin or Iberia or Acadia or whatever parish. Small time thinking gets you small time results.
The amount of people or the desire to commingle Louisiana culture and Louisiana Athletics is not an opinion: they are long standing facts. Festivals attract large crowds in this area and promoters want to do business with Louisiana Football. Somebody, somewhere can figure something out. Again, it is FREEEEE to TRY.
Once again, you don't have any idea what we do when it comes to these groups and events. Yes, we work with organizations that promote our culture world wide. We work with Grand Reveil Acadien, La CommissionDe L'Odyssee Acadienne, Louisiana Travel & Billy Nungesser, Iberia Parish Tourist Commission. Oh yeah, the Canadian Government is also helping us with a project. But our (event coordinators) way of thinking that brings in tons of money to our area wouldn't help UL and "larger events" because we have a small way of thinking.
I never said not to try, just pointing out the scheduling reality & that's just one issue.
Grand Reveil Acadien doesn’t care about sports and promoting at football games. They’re actually not a very well run group.
La Commission De L'Odyssee Acadienne is very well run out of Canada but once again football is not even in their train of thought.
Louisiana Travel does partner with UL.
We even have Dr Rees on campus and I’ve worked with him through the New Acadia Project. He sets up a booth at our events & will talk to a tree to get the word out about our history. However, put him at a UL football game and many people will ignore him.
Many of these cultural groups are full of great ideas but don’t have any “doers” that will make the ideas a reality. UL has taken many of the ideas brought up on this board & tried them. They just haven’t gained traction.
The last paragraph sums it up. Not as many "doers," and some of these ideas have not gained traction. The next thing to ask is why haven't gained traction. Better yet, what exactly did we do that didn't allow it to gain traction. Those questions need to be asked.
Time to switch gears. UL sporting events need to be treated as a tourist attraction. What kind of marketing does it take to get people into these events such as festivals? What kind of ads do they use to promote them? This is where UL can benefit by getting people through the gates. We have already established many times that the school to the east brands itself which is why people naturally go there. We have to put more of an effort than we are doing now.
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