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Thread: Win The Event?

  1. Default Re: Win The Event?

    Quote Originally Posted by fanof71 View Post
    So, UL missed a golden opportunity to a 50th anniversary destignated game last year, complete with vintage video, ex players being honored, maybe the 10 best cajun players to ever play at CF, player representatives from each decade being honored, autograph sessions taking place prior to game, Video confessions of players from each decade talking about CF/Game/etc. Maybe the band playing songs from each of the 5 decades..could have been a great halftime much that could have been done to celebrate and teach casual fans and students about UL football tradition...all the while, kicking someones Sun Belts azz on the field....
    This is as a damning a revelation as any we've discussed over the last few weeks. We couldn't even figure out a way to capitalize on the fact that our stadium is old af. Something we talk about CONSTANTLY. This is not an oversight. This is just being dead asleep at the wheel. This is people in positions that truly have no historical knowledge, emotional tie or any thing in their minds other than promoting themselves and getting on to the next stop.

    And once again, our fans are the ones that notice it. Remarkably bad.

  2. #194

    Default Re: Win The Event?

    cheese on crackers imagine forgetting your 50th anniversary. the older men in appreciate that more than the newly weds. i cant even think what would happen to me

  3. #195

    Default Re: Win The Event?

    Quote Originally Posted by fanof71 View Post
    So, UL missed a golden opportunity to a 50th anniversary destignated game last year, complete with vintage video, ex players being honored, maybe the 10 best cajun players to ever play at CF, player representatives from each decade being honored, autograph sessions taking place prior to game, Video confessions of players from each decade talking about CF/Game/etc. Maybe the band playing songs from each of the 5 decades..could have been a great halftime much that could have been done to celebrate and teach casual fans and students about UL football tradition...all the while, kicking someones Sun Belts azz on the field....
    They had some graphic of Cajun Field with the "50 Years" font behind it. Outside of that, we did nothing to promote.

  4. #196

    Default Re: Win The Event?

    Quote Originally Posted by ULvictory View Post
    They had some graphic of Cajun Field with the "50 Years" font behind it. Outside of that, we did nothing to promote.

  5. #197

    Default Re: Win The Event?

    And a great way to recognize OLOL and those making the big donations for a new stadium

  6. #198

    Default Re: Win The Event?

    Back to Gulf Brew 2022.

    Where is our trolley guy that goes from Rock'n Bowl to Legends to CF on gameday? We need him to be posted up downtown, shuttling people from Gulf Brew to the CajunField Saturday.

  7. #199

    Default Re: Live Game TALK Final: Louisiana 38, ASU 18

    I also like 4 PM. Sun on east side is only reason I can think of for lack of students. However, I drove on St Mary earlier in week and did not see any reminders about game today

  8. UL 1984, 1999 . . . . Re: Live Game TALK Final: Louisiana 38, ASU 18

    There’s absolutely no logical reason why the students can’t spread closer to the fifty. We, UL, should be kissing every one of their asses. If a student gets out of line with visiting team then deal with that person.

  9. #201

    Default Re: Live Game TALK Final: Louisiana 38, ASU 18

    I walked my dog on campus yesterday evening. It was a ghost town. Ghost town today. I figured as much. Traffic around the campus mid day yesterday was pretty bad due to the exodus.

    I have to say the weather for today's game was the best we have had in years. It was very nice. Too bad more people were not there to enjoy it.

  10. #202

    Default Re: Live Game TALK Final: Louisiana 38, ASU 18

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunsmike View Post
    I also like 4 PM. Sun on east side is only reason I can think of for lack of students. However, I drove on St Mary earlier in week and did not see any reminders about game today
    I've heard a lot of complaints about the way the fans are treated at UL events & I think a lot of that is just whining by a spoiled fan base. I've been to my share of UBR games & I can tell you, the parking is a complete pile of dog crap. You HAVE to show up at least two hours before the game minimum, or you are gonna be parking no less than two miles from the stadium. In most cases you have to pay someone at least 20 bucks to park in their yard.

    The lines are an ungodly disaster just to go to the bathroom. If you get there two hours before the game & park two miles away, you have to run to the game just to get in a line that is at least 3000 deep to get into the facility to get into the game by start time. Then, unless you have really good really expensive tickets, you are sitting on a bench squeezed into your seat like a sardine. If you're in the upper deck the players look like ants & the football is the size of the head of a needle. It's either hot as hell, raining, of the freaking wind is blowing like a banshee & it's cold enough to freeze your freaking keester off. Then, after the game once you've finally gotten back to your car, you get to wait in non moving traffic for two hours to get home at 2 o'clock in the morning just so you can say you went to an event & couldn't even tell what was going on because you probably couldn't get a decent look at any play that took place. It's absolutely miserable. The only thing I can compare it to is waiting in line for a new ride that just opened in Disney on a nice HOT August afternoon.

    But one thing they do have is marketing. They market the living hell out of UBR football. They also have the radio market cornered. Driving to the game today, I had the GOAT on 103.3 & there was nothing on the air. Why is this? When I went to Old Tyme Grocery Home coming day a couple of hours before the game, I took a poll of who was going to the game. And out of 8 groups of 25, or so people, only one family from Houma even knew UL was having a game that afternoon. How far from the stadium is Old Tyme grocery? 5 blocks at the most. UL has done a horrific job of marketing their product. If they have made a huge mistake, it is in this vane.

  11. #203

    Default Re: Live Game TALK Final: Louisiana 38, ASU 18

    Quote Originally Posted by Bandwagon King View Post
    I've heard a lot of complaints about the way the fans are treated at UL events & I think a lot of that is just whining by a spoiled fan base. I've been to my share of UBR games & I can tell you, the parking is a complete pile of dog crap. You HAVE to show up at least two hours before the game minimum, or you are gonna be parking no less than two miles from the stadium. In most cases you have to pay someone at least 20 bucks to park in their yard.

    The lines are an ungodly disaster just to go to the bathroom. If you get there two hours before the game & park two miles away, you have to run to the game just to get in a line that is at least 3000 deep to get into the facility to get into the game by start time. Then, unless you have really good really expensive tickets, you are sitting on a bench squeezed into your seat like a sardine. If you're in the upper deck the players look like ants & the football is the size of the head of a needle. It's either hot as hell, raining, of the freaking wind is blowing like a banshee & it's cold enough to freeze your freaking keester off. Then, after the game once you've finally gotten back to your car, you get to wait in non moving traffic for two hours to get home at 2 o'clock in the morning just so you can say you went to an event & couldn't even tell what was going on because you probably couldn't get a decent look at any play that took place. It's absolutely miserable. The only thing I can compare it to is waiting in line for a new ride that just opened in Disney on a nice HOT August afternoon.

    But one thing they do have is marketing. They market the living hell out of UBR football. They also have the radio market cornered. Driving to the game today, I had the GOAT on 103.3 & there was nothing on the air. Why is this? When I went to Old Tyme Grocery Home coming day a couple of hours before the game, I took a poll of who was going to the game. And out of 8 groups of 25, or so people, only one family from Houma even knew UL was having a game that afternoon. How far from the stadium is Old Tyme grocery? 5 blocks at the most. UL has done a horrific job of marketing their product. If they have made a huge mistake, it is in this vane.
    Possibly your best post.

  12. #204

    Default Re: Live Game TALK Final: Louisiana 38, ASU 18

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunsmike View Post
    However, I drove on St Mary earlier in week and did not see any reminders about game today
    THAT is a huge problem, in my unprofessional opinion.

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