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Thread: Is UL Athletics Broke?

  1. Default Re: Is UL Athletics Broke?

    Quote Originally Posted by BabbForHeisman View Post
    Y’all see what is happening here, right? This thing about money was brought up in multiple threads and didn’t get the desired traction, so now it has blossomed into its own thread. How glorious.

    The agenda here isn’t exactly a secret. There only a certain few goals with this discussion:

    - Erode confidence in CMD (by insinuating that he’s all we could afford)
    - Erode confidence in Maggard (by insinuating that he mismanaged various things related to the budget)
    - The notion that we aren’t prepared to pay the money to be big time like we think we are (kinda sounds like “know your place, little brother”, huh?)

    I suggest we all just let this discussion die.

    For goodness sakes, it’s homecoming week. No need to rattle this pointless saber.

    We are all frustrated. But we all want to move in a positive direction. Not this crap.
    Your analysis, as usual, can't be further from the truth.

    You do not get to set agenda's which are not yours, neither do they exist because you have said so.

    This thread, with mounds of accurate and supplemental information is killing you, isn't?

    Participate or sit on the side, but please don't try to taint with you regular BS.



  2. Default Re: Is UL Athletics Broke?

    Quote Originally Posted by zephyr View Post
    By all accounts, we interviewed other candidates from bigger schools but decided on Desormeaux. We paid him that because that pay is in line for his resume, not because its all we had. Had we hired Lanning, it wouldn't have been for $750k.

  3. #39

    Default Re: Is UL Athletics Broke?

    Quote Originally Posted by JayWalker View Post
    Because it isn't accurate. Dr. Maggard was not told he couldn't spend more than $750,000. He hired Mike because he thought Mike was the right choice and paid him a competitive salary with other first year coaches in our league.

    I think you are totally off base with your hypothesis.

    And, don't yell at me.
    Forget Mike's Salary. 750,000 dollars is enough to buy a hell of a coach. My question is about the tools to operate & run a successful comprehensive program? Is Mike being given budget in line with the budget Billy had to operate? And if not, why not?

  4. #40

    Default Re: Is UL Athletics Broke?

    It's not about the money. Any other new HC was going to get close to what CMD got.

    The story that is unfolding here has nothing to do with money. Biggest reason for giving CMD the job was to continue the cULture. It's what happened after this that is important.

    CBN ruthlessly raided our program after CMD was hired. This is the biggest reason for our 2-2 start and the cULture seemingly absent. Any argument otherwise or focusing on salaries is pointless naval gazing. Some here point to changes in routines by CMD. That may have some validity as well to the cULture hit.

    We can't bring those players and coaches back, but we can change what we're doing NOW to bring back the cULture, and it has nothing to do with how much CMD is being paid.

  5. #41

    Default Re: Are we Broke

    Quote Originally Posted by ZoomZoom View Post
    Because both can grow weed being they are agricultural and mechanical colleges. Within their defined mission. They’re Aggies.
    So they get to have their budgets explode off the charts while the rest of the state schools suffer like the 49th/50th state in the union? Nice, thanks for the info though. I'm almost sorry I learned the answer. But I have another question. SInce UL is supposed to be a business school, did they politic to get the lion's share of dispensaries?

  6. Default Re: Is UL Athletics Broke?

    The $750,000 question is: Why is CMD our coach?

    It is because it was believed that his coaching skills together with his intangibles made for the best hire to keep the cULture going at that time for the sum of $750,000.

    It is all of that together. You can't parcel out any portion of it unless you want to get that wrong. It is all of it.

    Now, that became the solution w/i our constraints. Anyone who ignores those facts is watching with blinders on. I will try again:

    1. One of those facts in the hire was that we only had about $750,000 to spend.

    2. In the evaluation of those in charge, there was no better candidate available out there at that price who was believed to be able to continue the cULture.

    3. There was no other candidate who had coached under Napier out there that was available as this was Napier's first HC job and Napier had hand picked to follow him any others that would have been qualified.

    4. CMD is known to be a very smart and studious individual which lent credibility to the belief that he was the person for the job.

    5. Bonus, CMD would probably finish his career here if he ends up earning the right to stay.

    5. The decision has been made and it is now time to back CMD with support for a reasonable period of time to sink his feet into the position and have a chance to succeed.

  7. #43

    Default Re: Is UL Athletics Broke?

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunNation View Post
    It's not about the money. Any other new HC was going to get close to what CMD got.

    The story that is unfolding here has nothing to do with money. Biggest reason for giving CMD the job was to continue the cULture. It's what happened after this that is important.

    CBN ruthlessly raided our program after CMD was hired. This is the biggest reason for our 2-2 start and the cULture seemingly absent. Any argument otherwise or focusing on salaries is pointless naval gazing. Some here point to changes in routines by CMD. That may have some validity as well to the cULture hit.

    We can't bring those players and coaches back, but we can change what we're doing NOW to bring back the cULture, and it has nothing to do with how much CMD is being paid.
    Sorry Chief, I call BS. If taking THREE players guts your program it wasn't much of a program to begin with. As far as coaches & analysts go, if those people have a good working relationship with Billy & he had the opportunity to give them the opportunity to improve their lifestyle dramatically, then good for him & them. That again is not gutting anything. That is free enterprise. The BIG question is Mike having to make "cultural changes" due to lack of support by the university? Or is he making these changes because he wants to? It isn't the people as much as it is the opportunity to replace those people with other good people that are young & hungry to help achieve success.

  8. Default Re: Is UL Athletics Broke?

    It is truly unbelievable how the goal posts move as posters arguments continue the bankrupt.

  9. #45

    Default Re: Is UL Athletics Broke?

    Quote Originally Posted by BabbForHeisman View Post
    Y’all see what is happening here, right? This thing about money was brought up in multiple threads and didn’t get the desired traction, so now it has blossomed into its own thread. How glorious.

    The agenda here isn’t exactly a secret. There only a certain few goals with this discussion:

    - Erode confidence in CMD (by insinuating that he’s all we could afford)
    - Erode confidence in Maggard (by insinuating that he mismanaged various things related to the budget)
    - The notion that we aren’t prepared to pay the money to be big time like we think we are (kinda sounds like “know your place, little brother”, huh?)

    I suggest we all just let this discussion die.

    For goodness sakes, it’s homecoming week. No need to rattle this pointless saber.

    We are all frustrated. But we all want to move in a positive direction. Not this crap.
    I disagree with this as well. As much as Vic can be obnoxious & obtuse even in my thinking. He has defended Des as strongly as anyone tot he point of being obnoxious & obtuse. I think he is bringing up some good points which could be helpful with people wanting to help give Mike the benefit of the doubt down the road. Because no matter what any of us say, the road is about to get a hell of a lot rockier.

  10. #46

    Default Re: Is UL Athletics Broke?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bandwagon King View Post
    I disagree with this as well. As much as Vic can be obnoxious & obtuse even in my thinking. He has defended Des as strongly as anyone tot he point of being obnoxious & obtuse. I think he is bringing up some good points which could be helpful with people wanting to help give Mike the benefit of the doubt down the road. Because no matter what any of us say, the road is about to get a hell of a lot rockier.
    But if the main reason for giving Mike the benefit of the doubt is based on the fact that we could not afford anything better, the insinuations are all negative. You can’t get to a positive by going all negative.

    2-2 does not mean the house is broke. None of the facts above would change whether we were 4-0 or 0-4 right now.

    I get frustrated because there are moments like this, when we are on a down slide for 2 games (2!), and some voices that sound a lot like “know your place” sneak up on this board in very subtle ways. So I call it out.

    “Mike is all we could afford” = “know your place”

  11. Default Re: Is UL Athletics Broke?

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post

    Quit yelling, I just woke up.

    Hit the reset button.

  12. Default Re: Are we Broke

    Quote Originally Posted by no1cajunfan View Post
    At the possible risk of setting this program back?
    As it turned out no coach was going to be able to maintain what Napier put in place. At any price.

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