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Thread: Is UL Athletics Broke?

  1. Support Is UL Athletics Broke?

    When Dr. Maggard was hired, here is about where we were generally:

    Administration: we had an AD, Asst Ad and I believe one secretarial staff person.

    Football: HC HUD got to about $1,000,000 and I would venture to guess maybe $500,000 in all other salaries (pretty sure Des was way under $100,000)

    Basketball: Marlin and two assistants - Guess total $650,000

    Baseball: Robe $120,000 one paid assistant $50,000

    Softball: Lotief’s $100,000 and maybe a $30,000 assistant


    Administration: Maggard, Nico, Lege all at higher salaries together with about another 15 or 20 support staff (who knows how much all those additional bodies cost)

    Football: HC $2,000,000 plus another $2,000,000 support staff

    Basketball. Coaching salaries up to about $850,000 now

    Baseball: Loan on Tigue to pay and Maggard had raised Robe to about $250,00 and Deggs is now making just under $400,000 with two assistants making more now

    Softball. Fired Lotief’s and now Glasco and staff about $400,000

    SHOW ME THE MONEY to fund all of these increases. It is surely not attendance increase in your two potential money makers - Football and Basketball

    I know some of these numbers may be off some but you get the message. Where is the money tree.

    The FOUR areas of substantial increase:

    Administration Salaries and number of positions.
    Football HC and Support Staff $1,500,000 to $4,000,000
    Baseball: $150,000 to $400,000
    Softball: $130,000 to $350,000


  2. Default Re: Are we Broke

    ………I could be very wrong but I’ll take a guess……think that the total UL budget increased….this gave a greater share bucks wise of the directed percentage allowed……again just my thoughts from past discussions!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Are we Broke

    If UL is broke, then why did they not politic to become part of the Louisiana weed market that UBR & Southern now control?

  4. Default Re: Are we Broke

    Technically every athletic department in the country is always broke. They somehow spend what they collect or transfer.

    Technically every athletic department in the country is never broke.

    You never hear of an athletic department turning a profit and the university reaping the bounty.

    Only with a stand alone fundraising arm like LSU's TAF do you ever hear of Athletics giving back to the university.

    I'm saying there is no such thing as Athletics being broke.

    The only question is, "How much is a University willing to spend on advertising?"

  5. Default Re: Are we Broke

    broke adjective
    \ ˈbrōk \
    Kids Definition of broke (Entry 2 of 2)
    : having no money

    I feel broke after this 2:00 medicine run . . .

  6. Default Re: Are we Broke

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    broke adjective
    \ ˈbrōk \
    Kids Definition of broke (Entry 2 of 2)
    : having no money
    Don't you think that should have been the lead quote in your first post?

    A year ago June, Maggard was given a new title and Pay raise from the ether, as Vice President of Intercollegiate Athletics.

    His contract will run through June 30, 2026.

    $400,000 per year with a 2.5% increase each year.

    Louisiana's expenses were a lot higher a year ago June, than they are now. Income is probably about the same, with a bump to $2 mil from the Sunbelt.

    Athletic departments are never broke, it just depends on how much academics wants to invest in their advertising arm.

    Do companies ever ask if their marking department is broke? No, they spend what they have.

  7. Default Re: Are we Broke

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Don't you think that should have been the lead quote in your first post?
    . . .
    So now you are going to tell me how to fan?

    That is one of the reasons why we spent $750,000 on a new coach and not $3,200,000 to retain the old one.

    At $750,001, we would have been broke and we are not allowed to be broke.

    All of the other information gives insight why the level of broke was what it was at the time CMD was hired.

  8. Default Re: Are we Broke

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    That is one of the reason why we spent $750,000 on a new coach and not $3,200,000 to retain the old one.

    At $750,001, we would have been broke and we are not allowed to be broke.

    All of the other information gives insight why the level of broke was what it was at the time CMD was hired.
    The "3,200,000 to retain the old one" was an internal decision overridden by a much higher external offer.

  9. Default Re: Are we Broke

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    The "3,200,000 to retain the old one" was an internal decision overridden by a much higher external offer.
    Besides the fact that such money was never really available. Because of the acceptance of that much higher external offer, there will never be available hard evidence one way or the other if that amount of money was ever available. It has been widely offered here that the proposed $1,200,000 in raise had external funding (and I buy that) however there has been absolutely no evidence that the $1,250,000 (difference between the other $2,000,000 and what was paid to CMD was available. I have suggested not and that at $750,001, Louisiana was broke.

  10. Default Re: Are we Broke

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    I have suggested ... that at $750,001, Louisiana was broke.
    I'm suggesting the university is taking advantage of the coaching change to direct every available dime towards a new stadium.

  11. Default Re: Are we Broke

    Each is a pretty good suggestion why the HFC for Louisiana is CMD as opposed to some other unrelated but never considered or qualified coach . . . qualified being tied solely to compensation.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Are we Broke

    Sounds like a question for Ms B. Unless you define who “we” is? Don’t know are y’all broke?

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