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Thread: Is UL Athletics Broke?

  1. #145

    Default Re: Is UL Athletics Broke?

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    Where is your source that such is not true? This goes both ways. Throughout this I have used what facts that are available and filled in the gaps best I could. Not sure there is another way to handle any of this.

    And of course you would gravitate on my typo as opposed to the issue on the table. That is what one does when he has nothing.
    Cav-Vic, this might be the dumbest thing you've ever posted, from either of your accounts.

    "This is a fact"
    "Do you have a source?"
    "No, it is just what I think"

    Good gracious, that's terrible. It's the same way that people get convinced that the earth is flat.

    I never said anything about what is truth or not. I have no idea, other than what Maggard said. I haven't audited the books. But you when you put forth alternate facts as truth, the burden of proof falls on you.

    Also, I almost never comment on people's typos, but that one was funny. You know it.

    Spongebob: "Patrick, you're a genius!"
    Patrick: "But don't genius live in bottles?"

  2. Default Re: Is UL Athletics Broke?

    Gotta give Vic some props on this conversation. He may not be exactly accurate on the hypothesis, but he raises some interesting questions. I don't think you can deny anymore, something more is at play here.

    I'll go wash my mouth out with soap now...

  3. Default Re: Is UL Athletics Broke?

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    Ok genies, tell me what else there is at this point? I have provided indisputable facts with reason and deduction to fill in the gaps.

    Yes, reason and deduction requires one to think.

    As far as the “know your place” . . . WTF is that?
    Where have you been in life. It is impossible to prove a negative. I have provided to you why I don't believe we have ever spent $3.77mm dollars on support staff. I'm not sure where anyone goes from here.

    Please tell me, do you believe we ever spent more than $2,000,000 on support staff.

    If so, what is the basis of your belief?

  4. #148

    Default Re: Is UL Athletics Broke?

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    Where have you been in life. It is impossible to prove a negative. I have provided to you why I don't believe we have ever spent $3.77mm dollars on support staff. I'm not sure where anyone goes from here.

    Please tell me, do you believe we ever spent more than $2,000,000 on support staff.

    If so, what is the basis of your belief?
    I see you are talking to yourself but I think that was likely addressed to me, so...

    I don't have any "beliefs" about the budget for support staff.

    But beliefs without facts just turns into agenda pushing. That's what you are asking us to do, believe your beliefs.

    All that said, I agree that the questions are interesting. But actually answers would be even more interesting.

  5. Default Re: Is UL Athletics Broke?

    Quote Originally Posted by BabbForHeisman View Post
    I see you are talking to yourself but I think that was likely addressed to me, so...

    I don't have any "beliefs" about the budget for support staff.

    But beliefs without facts just turns into agenda pushing. That's what you are asking us to do, believe your beliefs.

    All that said, I agree that the questions are interesting. But actually answers would be even more interesting.
    Well then get out of the way, you are just causing a cog in the process.

  6. #150

    Default Re: Is UL Athletics Broke?

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    Well then get out of the way, you are just causing a cog in the process.
    Not following what that means.

    If you mean that by asking questions, I'm causing a process to have teeth (cogs?) rather than just be based on "beliefs", then I'll take it.

  7. Default Re: Is UL Athletics Broke?

    Quote Originally Posted by BabbForHeisman View Post
    Not following what that means.

    If you mean that by asking questions, I'm causing a process to have teeth (cogs?) rather than just be based on "beliefs", then I'll take it.
    For once try to add something to the process as opposed to always subtracting. Right now, all you are doing is posting about Vic.

  8. Default Re: Is UL Athletics Broke?

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    Where is your source that such is not true? This goes both ways. Throughout this I have used what facts that are available and filled in the gaps best I could. Not sure there is another way to handle any of this.

    And of course you would gravitate on my typo as opposed to the issue on the table. That is what one does when he has nothing.
    First come first serve on that table ... or so I'm told. Wouldn't know myself, I don't eat there.

  9. #153

    Default Re: Is UL Athletics Broke?

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    My niece attends JMU and they had a student protest last year over the athletic fees. The state legislature has gotten involved and there will be no more additional student athletic fees allowed at state institutions. Right now there is a push for the legislature to go further and reduce the percentage of student fees.
    JMU must have had at least a $60M athletic budget. No more student athletic fees means JMU loses $47M of that amount. How are they going to make that up?

  10. Default Re: Is UL Athletics Broke?

    Quote Originally Posted by HoustonCajun View Post
    JMU must have had at least a $60M athletic budget. No more student athletic fees means JMU loses $47M of that amount. How are they going to make that up?
    As of right now it says "no more additional" .. status quo.

  11. #155

    Default Re: Is UL Athletics Broke?

    In FY 2021, Louisiana spent $3,536,965 on football staff. This is only the football budget. There’s numerous people who work football that fall under the general athletic budget.

    Napier: $1,137,499.92
    Desormeaux: $148,020.79
    Leger: $158,229.21
    Juluke: $219,479.21
    Sale: $275,654.64
    Morgan: $135,860.62
    Toney: $331,770.79
    Segrest: $153,125
    Looney: $39,973.33
    Discher: $135,519.59
    Neighbors: $81,448.11
    Giuliani: $14,808.81
    Burris: $41,847.83
    Scott: $59,375.00
    Stapleton: $37,137.69
    Norrid: $51,612.33
    Armstrong: $48,278.15

    S&C staff: $47,222.20 (most of Hockes salary probably general budget)

    Support (including troy): $330,300.99

    GAs: $47,222.20

  12. Default Re: Is UL Athletics Broke?

    Until I found out we went from what was billed and marketed at a huge number for support football salaries of $2,000,000 to the astronomical number of $3.77 mm without any notice, fundraising or even bruhaha, I was going to say that JMU would probably not be seeking advice here.

    However, with that established, everybody will want to know where we acquired our money tree, what brand it is, where it the best place to plant it and do you need just a tree or a grove . . .

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