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Thread: I can't believe we lost to ULM

  1. #157

    Default Re: Fire Mike Now.

    Quote Originally Posted by JMVCAJUNS View Post
    So we will give Mike 30 years to figure it out?
    Are you for real?

  2. #158

    Default Re: Fire Mike Now.

    you cant reason with this guy. my grandaddy told me a long time ago never to argue with fools. on lookers might not know the difference. this guy should be forced to publicly apologize to mike d once we get this ship turned around

  3. #159

    Default Re: Fire Mike Now.

    Quote Originally Posted by Esqueleto View Post
    Are you for real?
    That's how long it will take to measure apples to apples. 330 games to 5 games your words, not mine.

  4. #160

    Default Re: Fire Mike Now.

    Quote Originally Posted by ExecutiveCajun View Post
    you cant reason with this guy. my grandaddy told me a long time ago never to argue with fools. on lookers might not know the difference. this guy should be forced to publicly apologize to mike d once we get this ship turned around
    Are you saying that I hope they lose. Get out of here dude. I wish Mike the best of luck, I just don't see what he has done yet as being qualified to run this team. Patrick Toney was the only qualified person on last year's staff to take over. Makes you wonder why Napier pushed so hard for Dez?

  5. #161

    Default Re: Fire Mike Now.

    Quote Originally Posted by JMVCAJUNS View Post
    That's how long it will take to measure apples to apples. 330 games to 5 games your words, not mine.
    Bruh don't be that dense. Nobody would have called for Marlins head after 12 games.

  6. Default Re: Fire Mike Now.

    Quote Originally Posted by JMVCAJUNS View Post
    That's how long it will take to measure apples to apples. 330 games to 5 games your words, not mine.
    "apples to apples" your words not mine.

    Lets see how Desormeaux's apple basket measures up when he has had as much time as Bustle did when they lost to McNeese.

    5 games in, is nothing.

  7. #163

    Default Re: Fire Mike Now.

    Quote Originally Posted by Esqueleto View Post
    Bruh don't be that dense. Nobody would have called for Marlins head after 12 games.
    If Mike win 3 games this year would you want him to return as HC?

  8. Default Re: Fire Mike Now.

    Quote Originally Posted by Esqueleto View Post
    Bruh don't be that dense. Nobody would have called for Marlins head after 12 games.
    You are correct, and if memory serves me the team was putrid before they went on an 11-game winning streak towards end of the season.

  9. #165

    Default Re: Fire Mike Now.

    Why don’t we talk about mike job security at the end of the year. It’s pointless right now. He’s a Cajun not a hired gun. I know a lot of you don’t like that fact but give him some respect and let the man do his job.

  10. #166

    Default Re: Fire Mike Now.

    Quote Originally Posted by JMVCAJUNS View Post
    If Mike win 3 games this year would you want him to return as HC?
    Want or not, he's coming back. I didn't necessarily think he was qualified for the job to begin with, but we're past that point.

  11. #167

    Default Re: Fire Mike Now.


    What would it accomplish for UL to fire CMD at this exact moment? We would be the donkeys of America across college football to hire a "hometown hero" and fire the man 4 games and a .500 record into a career. If you wanna say the guy should've never been hired, I will agree with you on that, and I think a lot of people putting emotions aside and just looking at resume would do the same. However, even I'm growing tired of hearing myself say that, and it's time for me to just accept what has been done and wait it out. We accomplish nothing firing the man today. We would have an interim HC for 8 games from an inexperienced staff and the biggest blight on our program we could have going into a coaching search as the university that hired one of their own, gave him 4 games, and fired him for winning half. The damage of this decision, if indeed it is what some of us think it is, has been done. We can't change it now. 2-3 years (let's be honest probably 4 at least) and we see how it goes.

    This is one hot head to another. I was calling for heads above CMD's after last night. I won't say I fully back down from that sentiment, but I, like the people who want Mike gone, am just gonna have to let the next few years play out. As much as I dislike the decision, it's been made and it needs to be proven as the right or wrong one over a longer period than 4 games. I don't think this is gonna work out, but I can't just declare myself as correct before giving the situation a chance to unfold.

    All I can do at this point is pull for the Cajuns and hope the people accountable reap the consequences, whether they be positive or negative, of this decision. There are so many things wrong with our product right now: on field performance in several sports, game day experience, marketing & promotions, ticketing, concessions, merchandising, etc. The list goes on and on. The people getting paid to fix these issues honestly have a mountain ahead of them. Unlike the apathetic community we are in, I'm personally still interested enough to see if they can climb it. If my part in helping them climb it is to show up and cheer and keep SOME of my negativity off social media and Pagin then so be it. Fans reactions should be genuine and not always focused on what helps or hurts. We have to take a step back here though and see this isn't helping.

  12. #168

    Default Re: Fire Mike Now.

    Quote Originally Posted by Esqueleto View Post
    Want or not, he's coming back. I didn't necessarily think he was qualified for the job to begin with, but we're past that point.
    So no. Thanks for dodging the question.

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