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Thread: W4: Ultimate Lineup (GAME)

  1. UL Football W4: Ultimate Lineup (GAME)

    I need your help.

    Which 3 Sunbelt Quarterbacks will have the best weekend passing? (yardage wise)

    Please post in their order of finish

    QB 1.
    QB 2.
    QB 3.

  2. #2

    Poll Re: Ultimate Lineup (GAME)

    Chandler Fields
    Ben Woolridge
    and who cares.

  3. #3

    Poll Re: Ultimate Lineup (GAME)

    1 Arkansas state (Blackmon)
    2 Texas state (Hatcher)
    3 app state(Brice)

  4. #4

    Default Re: Ultimate Lineup (GAME)

    1. Kyle vantrese

    2. Carter Bradley

    3. Hatcher

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