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Thread: Herman Edwards fired!

  1. #37

    Default Re: Herman Edwards fired!

    Didn’t Glasco lose to ULM last season?

    As JMV likes to say about basketball supporters: I don’t recall him calling for Glasco’s head when he was sitting on his lap.

  2. #38

    Default Re: Herman Edwards fired!

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Now , you, are being silly.

    While the timeline of your statement is true, your statement is misleadingly false.

    True, Herm Edwards was fired after losing to EMU, he wasn't fired because he lost to EMU.

    He was fired because he never had the success Billy Napier had. Plus Arizona State has had coulda woulda shoulda Napier buyers remorse for years.

    While the EMU loss timing fits, it was only the proverbial feather that broke the camels back.

    To try and connect a (hasn't happened yet) loss for a coach in his 4th game, to an unproductive coach in his 5th season is silliness at its best.

    Edwards also has them under ncaa investigation for illegally hosting recruits on campus during dead periods.

  3. #39

    Default Re: Herman Edwards fired!

    I think one thing we can all agree on is that this week is a much bigger game than we all anticipated it being at the beginning of the season and we will know pretty much what we need to know about this team moving forward after this game. I think we were playing it safe to not lose and keep that winning streak alive versus going out and attacking teams. I think we'll know more how the staff will coach this team moving forward. It's gut check time for this team and program in general.

  4. #40

    Default Re: Herman Edwards fired!

    Depending on the school, there is a crest and trough to your bar/standard as the coaching regime changes. Educate me. Doesn't the recruiting style change with a new coach? Doesn't a coaching style change? Doesn't it take a while to implement? What worked against EMU in the second half may not work on Rice..(obvious). The playbook is still being adapted. Even Billy went 7-7 his first year.

  5. Default Re: Herman Edwards fired!

    Quote Originally Posted by Grantvb View Post
    . . . Even Billy went 7-7 his first year.
    When one did not want DES to begin with, this is not in their fact pattern . . .

  6. Default Re: Herman Edwards fired!

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    Edwards also has them under ncaa investigation for illegally hosting recruits on campus during dead periods.
    Heck, athletic department staff documented a boatload of illegal contacts and turned it in awhile back. ASU was looking for cause w/o bringing up the allegations, just like the Refineryville bunch did with Eaux. I think Herm, Eaux, Frost and soon Harsin should combine funds and buy a resort for failed coaches that received huge buyouts. Maybe a thin, long, sliver of land, kinda shaped like a toothpick…

  7. #43

    Default Re: Herman Edwards fired!

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunJeaux View Post
    Didn’t Glasco lose to ULM last season?

    As JMV likes to say about basketball supporters: I don’t recall him calling for Glasco’s head when he was sitting on his lap.
    Yeah, I would say order of magnitude in losing to ULM would be:
    1) Softball
    2) Baseball (and this would be a distant second)
    3) Football (and this would be a distant third)
    4) Basketball (take your pick; I think these have the potential of being much more competitive an a game-to-game basis.

    While I was shocked and disappointed by a softball loss to ULM, it would never be a consideration to call for Glasco's firing, which by JMV's logic he should have advocated for.

    But he didn't.

    I think this is just the perfect example of the trolling silliness that tends to be his posts.

    Turbine, it would be nice if somebody extinguished this useless thread.

  8. #44

    Default Re: Herman Edwards fired!

    Cool your horses on wanting to fire Mike because of one loss. This year's team isn't the same team that was here last year. Take a chill pill buddy.

  9. #45

    Default Re: Herman Edwards fired!

    All I'm saying is that if we were going to lose one of Rice or ULM, I'll take my crow with Rice. Losing this Saturday, is hateful.

  10. #46

    Default Re: Herman Edwards fired!

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunJeaux View Post
    Didn’t Glasco lose to ULM last season?

    As JMV likes to say about basketball supporters: I don’t recall him calling for Glasco’s head when he was sitting on his lap.
    Nope won all three games (sweep) last season by a 34-7 margin. In softball or baseball it is a must that we beat ULM 2 of 3 at the minimum.

  11. #47

    Default Re: Herman Edwards fired!

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunJeaux View Post
    Didn’t Glasco lose to ULM last season?

    As JMV likes to say about basketball supporters: I don’t recall him calling for Glasco’s head when he was sitting on his lap.
    Do your research before making yourself look bad.

  12. #48

    Default Re: Herman Edwards fired!

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajun Monkee View Post
    Yeah, I would say order of magnitude in losing to ULM would be:
    1) Softball
    2) Baseball (and this would be a distant second)
    3) Football (and this would be a distant third)
    4) Basketball (take your pick; I think these have the potential of being much more competitive an a game-to-game basis.

    While I was shocked and disappointed by a softball loss to ULM, it would never be a consideration to call for Glasco's firing, which by JMV's logic he should have advocated for.

    But he didn't.

    I think this is just the perfect example of the trolling silliness the tends to be his posts.

    Turbine, it would be nice if somebody extinguished this useless thread.
    Dude softball swept ULM last season. DO YOUR RESEARCH. And Glasco has won every sunbelt conference series since he has been at UL! This is facts!

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