I don't necessarily agree with the local premise that ESPN+ is keeping thousands away from CF on game days. Still a small market, so hundreds, yes...thousands? Don't think so.
I've pasted some paragraphs from a Nielsen article on who's watching ESPN Streaming...
Nielsen’s Total Audience metrics include viewership from mobile platforms, livestreaming TV services like Hulu and YouTube TV. ESPN was the first network to sign up for Nielsen’s new measurement.
Not surprisingly, millennials—which Nielsen defines as consumers aged 18-34—are streaming the most. In the seven weeks between Sept. 25 and Nov. 12, ESPN saw a 23% jump in day viewership, and a 28% jump in primetime viewership among millennials. For specific programming such as college football games, millennial viewership jumped a whopping 33% with streaming and OOH viewership added.
Year over year, ESPN’s millennial reach has seen a 4% increase in day viewership and a 13% increase in primetime viewership by including livestreaming and OOH viewing. Overall, Millennial viewers account for 46% of ESPN streaming, the network said.
ESPN’s SVP of fan and media intelligence, Cary Meyers, called the new metric “the only meaningful way to understand sports consumption,” and said it offers “key insights into our millennial viewers.”
Overall, livestreaming and OOH viewing grew ESPN’s total live audience by 14% across day and primetime, according to data from Nielsen. Among viewers aged 25-54, Nielsen’s livestreaming and OOH viewership added 18% to ESPN’s C3 ratings, which spans the live broadcast and three days after the broadcast.