Why do fans go to games??
Place to be
Something to do
Family time
Support the team
Support the university
Support certain player
Support coach
Feel obligated as alumni
Feel obligated as long
time fan
And so on. Everyone that attends or doesn’t attend has a reason to go or a number of them. For me I check almost all the boxes. Some people may only check 1 or 2 at any given time some all or most.
The more reason you have the more likely you’re going hell or high water.
If you are a fan of the team and want to support them you should feel obligated to go.
If you are a fan and could go but decide with that time you’ll stay home and watch instead of going support the team, you should feel a sense of guilt that you aren’t doing your part.
We can complain about thing in and out of the control of the administration, but at the end of the day. We are all capable of going to the game for about $20 and watch the greatest teams in program history.
I’ve been going for years and have plenty of complaints. My biggest current complaint is warm up music. I have absolutely no issue with the team wanting to play their style of music to get ready. But if they can’t find 1 hour of music without every curse word blaring over the PA then they need to scratch that music and play something else. Is there not 1 hour of rap music that doesn’t have curse words? Eminem, most of the main stream 90’s rap. IDK. It’s a family friendly environment and that music isn’t family friendly.