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Thread: Crescent City Sports on Chandler Fields

  1. #1

    UL Football Crescent City Sports on Chandler Fields

  2. Default Re: Crescent City Sports on Chandler Fields

    Excellent story.

    Roth seems to have a lot of respect for Louisiana's football program.

    Also if Chandler's accuracy is what Roth says it is, I might have to eat my words on my weight room worries.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Crescent City Sports on Chandler Fields

    The Covid year, when the players were breaking down into smaller practice squads, Chandler was with the group practicing at the park by my house.

    Yeah, it was 7-on-7s, but his placement was pretty impressive.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Crescent City Sports on Chandler Fields

    Great article, my favorite section below:

    “Chandler was a great player for us,” Roth said. “He had a strong arm and can really run. What I am most proud of Chandler of is that in this day in the transfer portal, he stuck it out, learned behind Levi, took on all the challenges, took on the competition and won the job. I am very proud of him.”

    Roth is not surprised that Fields is starting for an excellent program and sees even better things for his pupil.

    “I felt like Chandler had not peaked when he left Rummel,” Roth said. “His best football is in front of him. Chandler got better from the day that walked on campus. He has a quick release. He has everything you want in a player.”
    Glad he's a Cajun and hope everyone rallies behind him.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Crescent City Sports on Chandler Fields

    Its great that he is getting a lot of Pub from the NOLA area.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Crescent City Sports on Chandler Fields

    Quote Originally Posted by cajun_lannister View Post
    Its great that he is getting a lot of Pub from the NOLA area.
    great for him and us. nicely done article

  7. Default Re: Crescent City Sports on Chandler Fields

    Quote Originally Posted by ExecutiveCajun View Post
    great for him and us. nicely done article
    ……my son in law(ex Rummel jock) has a Rummel 8th grader nephew who says the school is excited about Fields starting!

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