BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) - House Speaker Jim Tucker says a few
lawmakers will lose their current committee assignments because of
their votes against Tucker's choice for the House's No. 2 leader.
Tucker said Wednesday that the lawmakers weren't losing prized
committee seats because they voted against him, but rather because
they gave their word and didn't stick to it.
The House chose Lafayette Rep. Joel Robideaux as the House
speaker pro tem. The vote for Robideaux was 53-48, a narrow margin
considering Robideaux had Tucker's backing.
Tucker wouldn't give names of those who would lose committee
seats because of the vote, but he says the committee shuffling
would be announced within a week.
It will be difficult to tell who might have been punished for
the pro tem vote because several committee seats already needed to
be reworked because of membership changes in the House.

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