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Thread: Football Attendance Comparison

  1. Default Re: Football Attendance Comparison

    Quote Originally Posted by VObserver View Post
    I hate lsu&aa&mC@br. I am open and passionate in expressing my hatred. ...... BUT

    The crowd at tiger stadium is just a bunch of folks sitting around until the band cranks up "Hold That Tiger" and "Tiger Rag". Say what you want, Houston Cajun is right on that the band here does little to engage the crowd, and that the game day experience at UL is mediocre at best. Piped in music and an announcer being a cheerleader for first downs is closer to middle school than big time college football.
    You forgot “Neck”. Refineryville really enjoys that one.

  2. #74

    Default Re: Football Attendance Comparison

    Quote Originally Posted by RedTails View Post
    That's the problem, we're trying to get you to the stadium instead of relaxing and enjoying at home.
    LOL. To many folks watch from the house as casual fans and never go support any Cajun teams.

  3. #75

    Default Re: Football Attendance Comparison

    Quote Originally Posted by JMVCAJUNS View Post
    LOL. To many folks watch from the house as casual fans and never go support any Cajun teams.
    Watch it punk...
    The Casual Fan

  4. Default Re: Football Attendance Comparison

    Quote Originally Posted by HoustonCajun View Post
    We have to make attending UL football games an event. Doesn't matter that we are winning. Our games are boring. The students don't attend, overall attendance is mediocre, the band doesn't bring any excitement and energy, and the overall atmosphere is lacking. People want to experience something special in attending Louisiana football and we aren't giving it to them. It doesn't matter that the actual on the field play is just as good. They would rather watch the excitement of a packed stadium and hear "Hold that Tiger" or "The Eyes of Texas" or "Boomer Sooner" or "Hail to the Victors" and all the pageantry that comes with P5 football than listen to "Respect" and a half-filled stadium and wonder why UL football isn't or can't be the same. So, they sit back and watch a game on TV that gives them more pleasure than watching a live game at Cajun Field. That is the big difference in P5 and G5 football. We've learn nothing from playing road games vs P5 teams as to what makes them successful. Until UL figures this out, nothing will change.
    Someone finally said it! I just started an account because someone finally said the thing I’ve been thinking for years. Now I feel ready to amplify the thought.

    Gameday inside Cajun Field is not great. Mediocre at best. The band? Doesn’t add much. The pregame? Is extremely lacking. The overall fan engagement? Bottom Tier. And in my opinion this isn’t just a football problem. All the major sports are lacking in regards to in game fan (especially towards students) engagement.

    But lets just focus on football for now. Having a good football team can only bring in so many people. That’s reality and there’s no changing that. Having a good football team isn’t unique. Anybody can sit on their couch, flip through a few channels and find some good football. People pack stadiums because of they want to have fun and unique experiences. It’s an event that every fan contributes to in a large way. I don’t like La state either but I know they do a great job of keeping their fans (especially their student section) engaged through the WHOLE game. From pregame to final whistle there’s chants primarily lead by the band. That’s how it should be! What do we have? We yell “first down” like a gillion other schools, and our fight song. That’s lame. For a uni that advertises as being the one and only, and loves it’s culture, there is no creative being shown at gameday. And the experience suffers from it.

  5. Default Re: Football Attendance Comparison

    Quote Originally Posted by CouillonCinema View Post
    Someone finally said it! I just started an account because someone finally said the thing I’ve been thinking for years. Now I feel ready to amplify the thought.

    Gameday inside Cajun Field is not great. Mediocre at best. The band? Doesn’t add much. The pregame? Is extremely lacking. The overall fan engagement? Bottom Tier. And in my opinion this isn’t just a football problem. All the major sports are lacking in regards to in game fan (especially towards students) engagement.

    But lets just focus on football for now. Having a good football team can only bring in so many people. That’s reality and there’s no changing that. Having a good football team isn’t unique. Anybody can sit on their couch, flip through a few channels and find some good football. People pack stadiums because of they want to have fun and unique experiences. It’s an event that every fan contributes to in a large way. I don’t like La state either but I know they do a great job of keeping their fans (especially their student section) engaged through the WHOLE game. From pregame to final whistle there’s chants primarily lead by the band. That’s how it should be! What do we have? We yell “first down” like a gillion other schools, and our fight song. That’s lame. For a uni that advertises as being the one and only, and loves it’s culture, there is no creative being shown at gameday. And the experience suffers from it.
    Another factor that leads to a lack of fan engagement is not having a spirit leader. What are those called again?? Oh yeah, a MASCOT. Something every university and professional sports team has, but not UL. Here’s something that is a proven good and effective thing to have, but we drag our feet on it because of the trauma related to the laughably bad other attempts. Having a bad mascot is better than none. I don’t think that’s IMO. I think that’s a fact. The Flyers’ Gritty looks weird but he’s iconically weird. They are GREAT brand ambassadors; plus they are just fun to have at a game!

  6. #78

    Default Re: Football Attendance Comparison

    Quote Originally Posted by CouillonCinema View Post
    Someone finally said it! I just started an account because someone finally said the thing I’ve been thinking for years. Now I feel ready to amplify the thought.

    Gameday inside Cajun Field is not great. Mediocre at best. The band? Doesn’t add much. The pregame? Is extremely lacking. The overall fan engagement? Bottom Tier. And in my opinion this isn’t just a football problem. All the major sports are lacking in regards to in game fan (especially towards students) engagement.

    But lets just focus on football for now. Having a good football team can only bring in so many people. That’s reality and there’s no changing that. Having a good football team isn’t unique. Anybody can sit on their couch, flip through a few channels and find some good football. People pack stadiums because of they want to have fun and unique experiences. It’s an event that every fan contributes to in a large way. I don’t like La state either but I know they do a great job of keeping their fans (especially their student section) engaged through the WHOLE game. From pregame to final whistle there’s chants primarily lead by the band. That’s how it should be! What do we have? We yell “first down” like a gillion other schools, and our fight song. That’s lame. For a uni that advertises as being the one and only, and loves it’s culture, there is no creative being shown at gameday. And the experience suffers from it.
    Cinema that's you?

  7. #79

    Default Re: Football Attendance Comparison

    Quote Originally Posted by CouillonCinema View Post
    Someone finally said it! I just started an account because someone finally said the thing I’ve been thinking for years. Now I feel ready to amplify the thought.

    Gameday inside Cajun Field is not great. Mediocre at best. The band? Doesn’t add much. The pregame? Is extremely lacking. The overall fan engagement? Bottom Tier. And in my opinion this isn’t just a football problem. All the major sports are lacking in regards to in game fan (especially towards students) engagement.

    But lets just focus on football for now. Having a good football team can only bring in so many people. That’s reality and there’s no changing that. Having a good football team isn’t unique. Anybody can sit on their couch, flip through a few channels and find some good football. People pack stadiums because of they want to have fun and unique experiences. It’s an event that every fan contributes to in a large way. I don’t like La state either but I know they do a great job of keeping their fans (especially their student section) engaged through the WHOLE game. From pregame to final whistle there’s chants primarily lead by the band. That’s how it should be! What do we have? We yell “first down” like a gillion other schools, and our fight song. That’s lame. For a uni that advertises as being the one and only, and loves it’s culture, there is no creative being shown at gameday. And the experience suffers from it.
    Hire Roarman and the problem would be solved!

  8. #80

    Default Re: Football Attendance Comparison

    Quote Originally Posted by CouillonCinema View Post
    Someone finally said it! I just started an account because someone finally said the thing I’ve been thinking for years. Now I feel ready to amplify the thought.

    Gameday inside Cajun Field is not great. Mediocre at best. The band? Doesn’t add much. The pregame? Is extremely lacking. The overall fan engagement? Bottom Tier. And in my opinion this isn’t just a football problem. All the major sports are lacking in regards to in game fan (especially towards students) engagement.

    But lets just focus on football for now. Having a good football team can only bring in so many people. That’s reality and there’s no changing that. Having a good football team isn’t unique. Anybody can sit on their couch, flip through a few channels and find some good football. People pack stadiums because of they want to have fun and unique experiences. It’s an event that every fan contributes to in a large way. I don’t like La state either but I know they do a great job of keeping their fans (especially their student section) engaged through the WHOLE game. From pregame to final whistle there’s chants primarily lead by the band. That’s how it should be! What do we have? We yell “first down” like a gillion other schools, and our fight song. That’s lame. For a uni that advertises as being the one and only, and loves it’s culture, there is no creative being shown at gameday. And the experience suffers from it.
    We only average what, about 20,000 per game? That is terrible for a program that has accomplished what it has over the past 4 years, with an enrollment of almost 20,000 and for the number of people in Acadiana. Why won't people attend our games? Why don't we have more season ticket holders? Why don't more students attend and get more engaged in UL athletics? This is about football, but can extend to all sports. That is the subject of this thread. UL needs to recognize and address this problem.

  9. #81

    Default Re: Football Attendance Comparison

    Quote Originally Posted by CouillonCinema View Post
    Another factor that leads to a lack of fan engagement is not having a spirit leader. What are those called again?? Oh yeah, a MASCOT. Something every university and professional sports team has, but not UL. Here’s something that is a proven good and effective thing to have, but we drag our feet on it because of the trauma related to the laughably bad other attempts. Having a bad mascot is better than none. I don’t think that’s IMO. I think that’s a fact. The Flyers’ Gritty looks weird but he’s iconically weird. They are GREAT brand ambassadors; plus they are just fun to have at a game!
    Agree, we need a mascot and improved gameday experience. We need so much. It's exhausting year after year to hear all these things said, but it never really improves. The stadium, the band, the game atmosphere, the concessions, the home schedule...etc.

  10. #82

    Default Re: Football Attendance Comparison

    Who is in charge of the total game experience?

  11. #83

    Default Re: Football Attendance Comparison

    Good question because our opinions should be shared with this person.

  12. #84

    Default Re: Football Attendance Comparison

    Quote Originally Posted by HoustonCajun View Post
    We have to make attending UL football games an event. Doesn't matter that we are winning. Our games are boring. The students don't attend, overall attendance is mediocre, the band doesn't bring any excitement and energy, and the overall atmosphere is lacking. People want to experience something special in attending Louisiana football and we aren't giving it to them. It doesn't matter that the actual on the field play is just as good. They would rather watch the excitement of a packed stadium and hear "Hold that Tiger" or "The Eyes of Texas" or "Boomer Sooner" or "Hail to the Victors" and all the pageantry that comes with P5 football than listen to "Respect" and a half-filled stadium and wonder why UL football isn't or can't be the same. So, they sit back and watch a game on TV that gives them more pleasure than watching a live game at Cajun Field. That is the big difference in P5 and G5 football. We've learn nothing from playing road games vs P5 teams as to what makes them successful. Until UL figures this out, nothing will change.
    Those traditions have to happen organically. Schools that try to force tradition seem cheesey. Problem is we have sucked for 40 of the last 50 years if we keep winning those traditions will develop.

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