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Thread: Football Attendance Comparison

  1. #25

    Default Re: Football Attendance Comparison

    I’d rather hear the band than, “ first down Louisiana!”

    Although I’m sure whoever screams that is a good person.

  2. #26

    Default Re: Football Attendance Comparison

    Quote Originally Posted by JMVCAJUNS View Post
    Hud drew a crowd.
    Coach Hud was a great promoter and motivator. However it is virtually impossible to maintain that intensity over the long term. Also, when he started here in 2011, ESPN plus was not as prevalent as it is today. That is a huge factor in declining attendance throughout college sports . You don’t see it in the P5 games televised but those focus on schools with great tradition. Even many of those don’t draw well in down years due to the TV option. All that being said, HoustonCajun is right in that we need to improve the atmosphere to overcome these challenges.

  3. #27

    Default Re: Football Attendance Comparison

    I believe the band plays a significant part in the game day atmosphere including during the game. The Pride of Louisiana seems to miss the mark on pageantry. We know larger schools and the HBCUs know how to excite the crowd. PoL can take lessons from these schools, but make it our own. I like our in game traditions if the crowd would engage including “that’s another Louisiana…” from the announcer and FIRST DOWN from the crowd.

  4. #28

    Default Re: Football Attendance Comparison

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunsmike View Post
    Coach Hud was a great promoter and motivator. However it is virtually impossible to maintain that intensity over the long term. Also, when he started here in 2011, ESPN plus was not as prevalent as it is today. That is a huge factor in declining attendance throughout college sports . You don’t see it in the P5 games televised but those focus on schools with great tradition. Even many of those don’t draw well in down years due to the TV option. All that being said, HoustonCajun is right in that we need to improve the atmosphere to overcome these challenges.
    Coach Hud is also the Head Ball Coach at Gulf Shores High School. As Mr Rhythm would say " Don't let your d___ run you life".

  5. #29

    Default Re: Football Attendance Comparison

    Until the stadium renovation occurs, let's create the largest open air standing room bar/lounge in Louisiana in the SEZ concourse area. While my preference is sitting in my seat watching the plays, a lot of folks like the freedom to mill around with others most of the game. Create a another option for them to come into the stadium and hangout.

  6. #30

    Default Re: Football Attendance Comparison

    Quote Originally Posted by SMD7636 View Post
    Correct, Hud increased fan support for football and other sports, while winning. The game day atmosphere was fun! We need to stop making excuses for the community and acting clueless. UL knows a strong charismatic leader with a vision for the future can light the fuse.

    This is not about the school across the basin. This is about our community and state going all in on supporting our university. When we work together or pull the rope in the same direction, UL can prosper despite LSU, La Tech, or any other university. This is our time to shine! UL needs a vocal leader to gather Cajun Nation in 1 unified voice. One Louisiana!
    Well, I don't think we could have a more carismatic, caring and invested head coach than we have now. I hope indeed that he succeeds, both on the field and in the marketing aspect.

    I am all in!

  7. Default Re: Football Attendance Comparison

    Quote Originally Posted by zephyr View Post
    That is a different situation. You are talking about family of band members rather than the average fan which is what he was addressing. Of course family and friends will attend to see a friend or relative perform but that is not the general point.
    If the Stanford band had a football game at LSU and I knew they’d perform at halftime, I’d be there. The possibility of an irreverent show would be endless.

  8. #32

    Default Re: Football Attendance Comparison

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginCajun309 View Post
    I think the general point, which the poster I quoted was wrong about, is that the band doesn’t bring anything to the table. Some people go to see the band, especially at big time schools. Have you ever seen the Ohio I period before the game? It gets the crowd jacked! Have you ever seen the WVU band March out in the shape of the state? The crowd goes nuts. UL doesn’t have that energy from the band and that energy gets the crowd into the game way more than piped in music (which is either too loud or not loud enough or is too old or way too hip hoppy).

    The posters point about the ATM v Alabama game is spot on, I watched that game and the crowd was absolutely nuts. A nuts crowd will draw more fans.

    Some people go to see the band, there is an entire circuit of D&I concerts in the summer that lots of people attend.
    The band adds something to the atmosphere in those situations, no doubt. The question was whether it draws crowds to the game in and of itself. It doesn't. If the Ohio State band would not perform for a particular game, they would still have 100,000 people in the horseshoe

  9. #33

    Default Re: Football Attendance Comparison

    Ah, the traditional RP Summer Thread....Band

  10. #34

    Default Re: Football Attendance Comparison

    Quote Originally Posted by zephyr View Post
    The band adds something to the atmosphere in those situations, no doubt. The question was whether it draws crowds to the game in and of itself. It doesn't. If the Ohio State band would not perform for a particular game, they would still have 100,000 people in the horseshoe
    My point is not about going to the game to hear the band. It is about what the band does to create an atmosphere that engages the fans. I am certainly not an LSU fan, but we have to admit that the atmosphere at an LSU game is among the best in the country. LSU fans, for example, would likely still fill Tiger Stadium without their band, but the electricity in that stadium without "Hold that Tiger" or "Hey Fighting Tigers" and the fans spelling out "TIGERS" and instead hearing only "another LSU first down" and "Respect", would totally change the atmosphere in that stadium. It is not just the play on the field that creates the excitement. It is the ability to engage the fans and create a fan interaction and investment in the end product. The successful programs with huge attendance and top game day atmosphere all have that in common. We don't. But, we can.

  11. #35

    Default Re: Football Attendance Comparison

    Quote Originally Posted by fanof71 View Post
    Ah, the traditional RP Summer Thread....Band
    Waiting for another uniform thread! LOL!

  12. #36

    Default Re: Football Attendance Comparison

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginCajun309 View Post
    My neighbors both go to WVU games, and they have a group of about 50 others, that go to every home game just to watch their kids play in the band. I get your point but there are those fans that go just for the band.
    So, 50 people?

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