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Thread: Football Attendance Comparison

  1. #193

    Default Re: Football Attendance Comparison

    If it makes anybody feel better, McNeese is convinced it's going to CUSA

  2. #194

    Default Re: Football Attendance Comparison

    How's it working for ULM? And outside of Iowa State, can you give me another win? How about Texas? Alabama? I don't mind playing one of these games a year, but no one cares that you are scheduling multiple P5 programs today.

    How does playing P5 road games yearly increase attendance at Cajun Field? It's not a mentality, it's reality.

  3. Default Re: Football Attendance Comparison

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesTheJeweler View Post
    If it makes anybody feel better, McNeese is convinced it's going to CUSA
    Who would they replace in that conference?

  4. #196

    Default Re: Football Attendance Comparison

    Quote Originally Posted by Atown cajun View Post
    Who would they replace in that conference?
    I heard a guy talking on 103.7 from lake chuck. The speculation is with the next shift maybe cusa getting raided again. The fill ins being McNeese, SFA and Tarelton St.

  5. #197

    Default Re: Football Attendance Comparison

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    ...How's it working for ULM?...
    Who cares about ULM? It worked FOR US.

    ...How does playing P5 road games yearly increase attendance at Cajun Field? ...

    Attendance? We should work on building the best program we can. People will come, or they won't. I'm done worrying about it. I know this. MAC schools won't move the needle. Mid to lower tier G5 schools won't move the needle.

    We have our conference home games, and we have our home FCS game. If we can't get top G5 or local rivals to fill the home schedule, go play a P5, beat them, get ranked and cash the freakin' check.

  6. #198

    Default Re: Football Attendance Comparison

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunNation View Post
    Who cares about ULM? It worked FOR US.

    Attendance? We should work on building the best program we can. People will come, or they won't. I'm done worrying about it. I know this. MAC schools won't move the needle. Mid to lower tier G5 schools won't move the needle.

    We have our conference home games, and we have our home FCS game. If we can't get top G5 or local rivals to fill the home schedule, go play a P5, beat them, get ranked and cash the freakin' check.
    Okay, but going on the road for four P5 games yearly, is the ULM model. There's no getting around it. And few, if any P5 programs are doing the 2 for 1 agreements any longer. Who is playing four P5 road games yearly in the top of the G5? It's an antiqued model and only the absolute bottom feeders like ULM are playing those games for revenue.

    Our best bet is to continue to play the best schedule we can, playing 1 P5 game yearly, winning the most games we can and a conference championship. Then, we may have a shot at playing a P5 team in a bowl game. Especially with the possibility of adding a few additional bowl tie-ins to the SBC.

  7. #199

    Default Re: Football Attendance Comparison

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    Okay, but going on the road for four P5 games yearly, is the ULM model. There's no getting around it. And few, if any P5 programs are doing the 2 for 1 agreements any longer. Who is playing four P5 road games yearly in the top of the G5? It's an antiqued model and only the absolute bottom feeders like ULM are playing those games for revenue.

    Our best bet is to continue to play the best schedule we can, playing 1 P5 game yearly, winning the most games we can and a conference championship. Then, we may have a shot at playing a P5 team in a bowl game. Especially with the possibility of adding a few additional bowl tie-ins to the SBC.
    I'm agreeing with you about the 4 P5 games per year. I'm disagreeing with you about the 1 per year.

    Like I said, If it's not a home game against a conference member, a local FCS, a local rival, or a PG/TopG5, we are better off as a program by going after another P5 road scalp than scheduling some generic G5 school nobody cares about for a Home and Home.

  8. #200

    Default Re: Football Attendance Comparison

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunNation View Post
    I'm agreeing with you about the 4 P5 games per year. I'm disagreeing with you about the 1 per year.

    Like I said, If it's not a home game against a conference member, a local FCS, a local rival, or a PG/TopG5, we are better off as a program by going after another P5 road scalp than scheduling some generic G5 school nobody cares about for a Home and Home.
    Definitely need to get away from the Eastern Michigan type scheduling. Tulane, ECU, Tulsa, CUSA schools in closer proximity would all be better option for home and home G5 opponents.

  9. #201

    Default Re: Football Attendance Comparison

    Tulane, Rice, La Tech, and UAB are scheduled for home and home series in upcoming years. Tulsa also owes us a visit. The ECU game is part of a deal from several years ago.

  10. Default Re: Football Attendance Comparison

    Quote Originally Posted by moorecajun View Post
    I was hopeful while reading your post there would be some things we could learn. You are right, we don't need to reinvent the wheel, just use it better than we have and learn from others what works an doesn't work.

    Two things I would like to post.

    One, I fully expect our season ticket sales to be more than 11k, 15k sounds good to me.

    Two, let's not get so carried away on this rcaf meet and greet function. You have to have something like this to spread excitement and you want it to be a smaller gathering to generate possible added investment in our program. There should be an additional function, similar to the casino, for ALL Cajun fans to participate in.

    We've never sold 15k tickets. Not close. You 'expect' that? What on earth leads you to believe this is even remotely possible?

  11. Default Re: Football Attendance Comparison

    Quote Originally Posted by Gaston Thibodeaux View Post
    2020 was a strange year. That was a great win. Would we have pulled that off if the stadium wasn’t empty and Iowa state had their fan base behind them? Possibly. History is not on our side to say we would have .
    The Cajuns dominated the football game in 2/3 phases. That Iowa St team had multiple NFL guys on offense. We TOTALLY shut them down.

    Doesn't matter where or how that game was played, the Cajuns were the better TEAM that day.

  12. Default Re: Football Attendance Comparison

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    The Cajuns dominated the football game in 2/3 phases. That Iowa St team had multiple NFL guys on offense. We TOTALLY shut them down.

    Doesn't matter where or how that game was played, the Cajuns were the better TEAM that day.
    This ^

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