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Thread: UL acquires OLOL Property

  1. #25

    Default Re: UL acquires OLOL Property

  2. #26

    Default Re: UL acquires OLOL Property

    "Our Lady of Lourdes says that in this acquisition UL only purchased the tract of land underneath those buildings. The buildings are part of the second phase of this initiative, they say. The structures that were part of the hospital are all still currently owned by Our Lady of Lourdes."

  3. #27

    Default Re: UL acquires OLOL Property

    Quote Originally Posted by HelmutVII View Post
    Awesome video...great drone footage...

  4. #28

    Default Re: UL acquires OLOL Property

    Couple of items
    The present buildings that make up Wisdom are owned by the Diocese. The land is being leased from the state. It’s a long term lease but getting towards the end.
    The lease will expire when new chapel and center are built. UL has been wanting a nice visitor center. Would be ideal location.
    Parking for staff and for parishioners is included in deal. Don’t know details. But the beautiful trees now at Wisdom and along St. Mary stay.
    New Engineering building will be located perpendicular to computer science building near Fletcher. That leaves space for one more building opposite engineering. As stated earlier Madison will be converted to labs. All in phases as money comes in. State has been fairly generous.
    The new engineering bldg along with Oliver and whatever else is built will Form an open quad looking out on Girard park. Will look nice. All it takes is money.
    Also as pointed out both TJoe and CEO of Lourdes Acadiana market area both publicly stated it will be done.
    Don’t know if the general Lourdes area is planned for a medical school one day but the nursing program is about to explode. The fuse is lit. Nursing is expanding into a major Allied Health school with a number of PhD options being developed. Don’t know if I’ll get to see it but in ten years there’s no telling what it will look like. Very interested in seeing how the relationship between Lourdes Ochsner and UL develop. Both hospital systems rely on UL heavily. Good times ahead.
    Sorry for long post but I got the frissons from just thinking about where this university can go.

  5. #29

    Default Re: UL acquires OLOL Property

    Glad to see this development become reality, it's been talked about for a very long time. Great move by UL. It's very exciting what is happening on the academic side. The new Engineering building is another long time vision that I hope to see built within the next few years.

  6. #30

    Default Re: UL acquires OLOL Property

    Quote Originally Posted by 60swerethebest View Post
    Couple of items
    The present buildings that make up Wisdom are owned by the Diocese. The land is being leased from the state. It’s a long term lease but getting towards the end.
    The lease will expire when new chapel and center are built. UL has been wanting a nice visitor center. Would be ideal location.
    Parking for staff and for parishioners is included in deal. Don’t know details. But the beautiful trees now at Wisdom and along St. Mary stay.
    New Engineering building will be located perpendicular to computer science building near Fletcher. That leaves space for one more building opposite engineering. As stated earlier Madison will be converted to labs. All in phases as money comes in. State has been fairly generous.
    The new engineering bldg along with Oliver and whatever else is built will Form an open quad looking out on Girard park. Will look nice. All it takes is money.
    Also as pointed out both TJoe and CEO of Lourdes Acadiana market area both publicly stated it will be done.
    Don’t know if the general Lourdes area is planned for a medical school one day but the nursing program is about to explode. The fuse is lit. Nursing is expanding into a major Allied Health school with a number of PhD options being developed. Don’t know if I’ll get to see it but in ten years there’s no telling what it will look like. Very interested in seeing how the relationship between Lourdes Ochsner and UL develop. Both hospital systems rely on UL heavily. Good times ahead.
    Sorry for long post but I got the frissons from just thinking about where this university can go.
    Nothing to apologize for…..that was an awesome post. Lots of good info. It’s been debated where the actual engineering classes would go, and that location makes perfect sense. With the admin offices moved to Griffin and Madison becoming just labs.

    You know, the more I think about it, once nursing moves to St Landry, a lot of the moves outlined in the pan can happen…not much cost needed to move some classes/office space to other buildings, like shifting the Griffin stuff to the quad, new classes in Wharton, etc. And lord knows replacing Madison is a priority, so I think that can happen in the next 5-10 years….too long for us maybe, but just a few minutes in the life of a university campus.

  7. #31

    Default Re: UL acquires OLOL Property

    I have a dream about a new Physics/Chemistry bldg as the third bldg in the tech quad. Redo Griffin and you’ve got Math and geology in high cotton. Montgomery is a mess and could become something else. Physics bldg becomes part of liberal arts and business group. I’m going to go buy a powerball ticket. Takes care of CF and my Engr bldg.

  8. #32

    Default Re: UL acquires OLOL Property

    Quote Originally Posted by 60swerethebest View Post
    I have a dream about a new Physics/Chemistry bldg as the third bldg in the tech quad. Redo Griffin and you’ve got Math and geology in high cotton. Montgomery is a mess and could become something else. Physics bldg becomes part of liberal arts and business group. I’m going to go buy a powerball ticket. Takes care of CF and my Engr bldg.
    Yeah, I‘ve been wondering what they plan on putting there. Physics makes good sense. Lord knows that Montgomery needs renovation. That would solve that problem….they could do it in phases: build something new for Physics, than leave Montgomery as more funds become available.

    Looking at that area on google earth, though, it sure looks like that building will be awfully close to the parking garage. Like REAL close. But I guess they know more about this than I do, lol

  9. #33

    Default Re: UL acquires OLOL Property

    3rd bldg in a quad?

    Do better, lol, we have higher academic standards than the SEC.

  10. #34

    Default Re: UL acquires OLOL Property

    The 4th end would be left open, at least for now. This would leave great views into the park from both the buildings and the quad.

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