I was curious about field dimensions. We all know that the Tigue is uniform.
M.L. 'Tigue' Moore Field at Russo Park
330 feet (Left field)
375 feet (Left center field)
400 feet (Center field)
375 feet (Right center field)
330 feet (Right field)
Bobcat Ballpark is also uniform
330 feet (Left field)
404 feet (Center field)
330 feet (Right field)
Now at first glance I couldn’t figure out why people kept referring to this stadium as a Cracker Jack box then I remembered it is squared off towards centerfield. I can’t find any official measurements for left and right center; however, after using Google’s measurement technique, I’m guessing they’d measure around 360 feet - so yea, a good 15 feet shorter than the Tigue.
Montgomery Riverwalk Stadium
314 feet (Left field)
380 feet (Left center field)
401 feet (Center field)
377 feet (Right center field)
332 feet (Right field)
Straight down the line in left is a bit shorter than the Tigue but overall it is much similar to our stadium.