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Thread: Daily Advertiser is Actively Boycotting Louisiana

  1. Default Daily Advertiser is Actively Boycotting Louisiana

    Anyone else noticed in The Daily Advertiser, when you click on UL sports, the first article written is "After Louisiana Tech splits midweek series with Louisiana-Lafayette, Lane Burroughs searches for consistency".

    WHAT. THE. _____.

  2. Default Re: The Daily Advertiser 4-7-2022

    Quote Originally Posted by ragncajncouyon View Post
    Anyone else noticed in The Daily Advertiser, when you click on UL sports, the first article written is "After Louisiana Tech splits midweek series with Louisiana-Lafayette, Lane Burroughs searches for consistency".

    WHAT. THE. _____.
    Tech was home team so we get the Gannet beat writer for Tech/Grambling/ULM.

  3. #3

    Default Re: The Daily Advertiser 4-7-2022

    Quote Originally Posted by ragncajncouyon View Post
    Anyone else noticed in The Daily Advertiser, when you click on UL sports, the first article written is "After Louisiana Tech splits midweek series with Louisiana-Lafayette, Lane Burroughs searches for consistency".

    WHAT. THE. _____.
    It’s no longer a local paper.

  4. Default Re: The Daily Advertiser 4-7-2022

    Quote Originally Posted by ZoomZoom View Post
    Tech was home team so we get the Gannet beat writer for Tech/Grambling/ULM.
    The new reality, designed for drive-by readers not fans.

  5. #5

    Default Re: The Daily Advertiser 4-7-2022

    I actually got a call from them today asking if I would reconsider after dropping my subscription and once again subscribe to their newspaper (had been a subscriber for over 30 years). I politely told them that I was done with the Daily Disappointment, I mean Advertiser. I informed them that their sports section was terrible and their lack of coverage of UL sports and local sports in general was just plain abysmal or completely lacking at all. The guy on the phone thanked me for the input and I wished him good luck working for the Gannett as it is obvious that they don't care about what the local readers want.

  6. Default Re: Daily Advertiser Stupidity

    Today's local story in the Advertiser is delivered from LSU's standpoint and how they bounced back from losses to Arkansas.

    The majority of the Advertiser's income comes from advertisers.

    The majority of advertisers are business owners.

    The majority of business owners in Acadiana attended Louisiana.

    The Advertiser is brain dead.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Daily Advertiser Stupidity

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Today's local story in the Advertiser is delivered from LSU's standpoint and how they bounced back from losses to Arkansas.

    The majority of the Advertiser's income comes from advertisers.

    The majority of advertisers are business owners.

    The majority of business owners in Acadiana attended Louisiana.

    The Advertiser is brain dead.
    Still not one story written from UL's perspective since April 9th. I think it's safe to say that they've given up on local sports coverage. I peered over at today's paper at a gas station this morning and it looked as thin as a brochure. I'm sure subscribers are getting a great value for content.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Daily Advertiser Stupidity

    Hate to resurrect a dead horse only to let it die and beat it again, but just felt compelled. I was waiting for lunch at a local establishment and sat down next to a guy who had just finished reading today's version of the Advertiser sports section. He asked me if I wanted it and I said "sure." He said, "there's no good news." I asked, "why is that?" He said, "LSU basketball had lost 9 straight." I smiled and said that "all is well because UL has won 9 straight." Left it at that and started reading.

    While there was a snippet about UL signing "Lunch" I thought the issue was from Thursday since it also had a couple of stories about the East's most recent loss on Wednesday.

    I figured they were just behind with getting articles printed, so I looked on the web version. 6 headlines and the front page on the East WBB team. We all know the priority of schools at that paper, so I won't even touch that again.

    But I know Cory Diaz covers both schools, but have they got him that overworked to where they are a full day behind?

    Feels like they missed on the theme of "tomorrow's news today" that a lot of papers go for.

    Perhaps, "Yesterday's LOCAL sports news maybe next week, if at all."

    I was hoping the coverage would have gotten better after they actually hired a beat writer for us in the Spring, but in case you were wondering, it's still pretty much crap.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Daily Advertiser Stupidity

    We still have a newspaper?

  10. #10

    Default Re: Daily Advertiser Stupidity

    As I'm employed in the public sector, small nuances affect me tremendously.

    The Daily Advertiser is our publication of record.

    I'm counting the days when a newspaper from Refineryville assumes that responsibility and we are placing legal ads thru the Advocate.

    I'm shaking my head in incredulity as I type this.

    But remember, this indifference toward U(s)L really has always permeated the air at the Advertiser. There were days in the 70s and 80s when they wouldn't even print box scores from the previous night's game(s).

  11. #11

    Default Re: Daily Advertiser Stupidity

    I gave up on the Advertiser some time back. I get the "Acadiana Advocate" online and read it each morning. One thing that kind of bothers me is they never have the story about a game until 2 days later if at all. For example, there was no mention of the game last night in today's e-edition of the advocate. There may be an article tomorrow (which may appear on the site sometimes today) but it will be in the e-edition (the one that reads like a newspaper) tomorrow, when it is no longer news but "olds." Still the fact there are articles about the Cajuns at all is better than the Sadvertiser.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Daily Advertiser Stupidity

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Today's local story in the Advertiser is delivered from LSU's standpoint and how they bounced back from losses to Arkansas.

    The majority of the Advertiser's income comes from advertisers.

    The majority of advertisers are business owners.

    The majority of business owners in Acadiana attended Louisiana.

    The Advertiser is brain dead.
    Why would any business spend money advertising in a nothing paper that nobody reads?

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