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Thread: Baseball tradition gone for kids

  1. UL Baseball Baseball tradition gone for kids

    It used to be every game when we had a great baseball tradition. The kids were allowed after every home game to go on the field to run around and meet players. Now, for whatever reason it is not allowed. Tonight we were greeted by the UP police and he stated kids are not allowed on field because of “Fights” and “Corona”. He was very nice and professional to the kids.

    The life blood of this university is the young kids. Why can’t they see this. Tonight was a prime example. 10 kids from the ages 1-8, were not allowed on the field. And that was only in my area. We saw other young children trying to go on the field like in years past. They were also told no!!!

    I would love to know who makes these decisions? Is it the RCAF or Staff? It is obvious whoever makes these decisions have not been around for the tradition. Once again can anyone tell me why is this program trying to discourage kids from coming to the games!!!!
    Wake up, the kids our are future!!!

    All we want is the truth and who is responsible for this. Us fans fans are tired of the lies and excuses.

    Great win Geaux Cajuns!!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Baseball tradition gone for kids

    They still do it on sundays

  3. #3

    Default Re: Baseball tradition gone for kids

    A would rather return to a tradition of winning. That's important to me, and when my son could run he never cared about running the bases after the game. I understand some things are more important to others than some. This one isn't that important to me.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Baseball tradition gone for kids

    There was a youth team from St Martinville in uniform down the left field line tonight. Great crowd tonight. I’m finally starting to feel like “We’re Back!” I really missed Cajun Baseball!!!

  5. #5

    Default Re: Baseball tradition gone for kids

    I have been going to games since the 90s I don’t ever recall kids going on the field on any day other day than Sunday. If they can no longer do that and corona is stated as the reason it won’t be the only thing F’ed up by corona. And won’t be the only time common sense has completely been lost due to corona. So you can sit inches a part for 9 innings but going on the field and running for a few minutes will cause a super spreader? People going crazy.

  6. Default Re: Baseball tradition gone for kids

    Kids are allowed on the field on Sundays

  7. #7

    Default Re: Baseball tradition gone for kids

    Quote Originally Posted by RedBug58 View Post
    There was a youth team from St Martinville in uniform down the left field line tonight. Great crowd tonight. I’m finally starting to feel like “We’re Back!” I really missed Cajun Baseball!!!
    Yes there was and people need to watch their freaking kids when the bring them to the ball park. They absolutely trashed the loge box next to ours, once I turned around and a few of them were half way over the wall trying to look over it. Finally the security guys ran them out of the loge suit when they kicked trash on the people in the stands below.

  8. Default Re: Baseball tradition gone for kids

    Quote Originally Posted by KajunKrazy View Post
    Yes there was and people need to watch their freaking kids when the bring them to the ball park. They absolutely trashed the loge box next to ours, once I turned around and a few of them were half way over the wall trying to look over it. Finally the security guys ran them out of the loge suit when they kicked trash on the people in the stands below.
    Smdh. Talk about ruin “tradition.”

    I don’t know if I’m just old now, but people’s kids are the WORST. Direct reflection on them, if you ask me.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Baseball tradition gone for kids

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    Smdh. Talk about ruin “tradition.”

    I don’t know if I’m just old now, but people’s kids are the WORST. Direct reflection on them, if you ask me.
    People want to be their kid’s best friend. Never tell them no

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