I tried to renew my season tickets and it still wouldn't let me. Since I am in the upper deck I figured a call was in order. I called and a very nice lady answered the phone and explained that those of us in the upper deck will be contacted no later than mid may. Apparently there is a go/no go date that they have established. My gut feeling is there will be no construction/demolition until after next season. I feel this way because ....1) construction costs are through the roof right now. 2). They don't have enough seed money to start construction because the cost is a moving target.
Fellas. I wouldn't expect much progress on this project, knowing construction like I do. If you want to see something happen I think they best thing you can do is write a check,. A big check. If you can't do that then the only thing you can do is wait. I know you don't want to hear that but it is the reality of the situation.