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Thread: Report: Former SEC assistant expected to take position at Louisiana

  1. #1

    UL Football Report: Former SEC assistant expected to take position at Louisiana

    “ Western Carolina defensive line coach Dennis Thomas is expected to fill the same role with Louisiana, according to The Athletic’s Bruce Feldman. The former South Carolina assistant previously spent time with current Ragin’ Cajuns defensive coordinator LaMar Morgan in the FCS.

    Before making the move to Louisiana, Dennis Thomas starting his coaching career under Steve Spurrier and the Gamecocks. From 2009-12, he worked with the defensive line, assisted in opponent scouting and helped in the recruitment of players.”

  2. #2

    Default Re: Report: Former SEC assistant expected to take position at Louisiana

    Quote Originally Posted by Tripple Threat View Post
    “ Western Carolina defensive line coach Dennis Thomas is expected to fill the same role with Louisiana, according to The Athletic’s Bruce Feldman. The former South Carolina assistant previously spent time with current Ragin’ Cajuns defensive coordinator LaMar Morgan in the FCS.

    Before making the move to Louisiana, Dennis Thomas starting his coaching career under Steve Spurrier and the Gamecocks. From 2009-12, he worked with the defensive line, assisted in opponent scouting and helped in the recruitment of players.”
    Was a DC for 2 years at GW he also seems to be a good recruiter

  3. #3

    Default Re: Report: Former SEC assistant expected to take position at Louisiana

    The Running Bulldogs of Gardner Webb...Boiling Springs, NC

    Also spent time in Cullowheee, NC. You think Boone is hard to get to, WCU has it beat...

  4. #4

    Default Re: Report: Former SEC assistant expected to take position at Louisiana

    Welcome coach! Des is filling the spots with his coaches and their players. I am really getting pumped up! Softball and Baseball are starting to crank up their respective early season and Football is putting together staff, players, stadium renovation, big money backers, season tickets being purchased, tailgate spots being purchased, RCAF donations increasing!!! Oh yeah baby!

  5. #5

    Default Re: Report: Former SEC assistant expected to take position at Louisiana

    Quote Originally Posted by DaddyCajun View Post
    Welcome coach! Des is filling the spots with his coaches and their players. I am really getting pumped up! Softball and Baseball are starting to crank up their respective early season and Football is putting together staff, players, stadium renovation, big money backers, season tickets being purchased, tailgate spots being purchased, RCAF donations increasing!!! Oh yeah baby!
    We need more post like this!

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