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Thread: Savoie, UL seek authorization for 2nd acquisition to link main campus, athletic complex

  1. #25

    Default Re: Savoie, UL seek authorization for 2nd acquisition to link main campus, athletic complex

    Quote Originally Posted by KajunKrazy View Post
    Is the proposed sight for the new Wisdom where EK long currently sits?
    The parking lot/ old tennis courts next to EKL

  2. #26

    Default Re: Savoie, UL seek authorization for 2nd acquisition to link main campus, athletic complex

    Quote Originally Posted by RedBug58 View Post
    If UL acquires the Old Tyme Grocery properties, I want to run the place doing Shrimp PoBoy research.
    Fine. You win.

    I call dibs on the softshell crab poboy, then.

  3. Default Re: Savoie, UL seek authorization for 2nd acquisition to link main campus, athletic complex

    Quote Originally Posted by LaCajunsFan View Post
    Well, yeah. But that’s why I asked him which hospital he was referring to. I think he meant UMC, but I’ll let him answer.
    Yes, UMC. We own all that land, makes sense to use it in an appropriate manner. The old OLOL property in time could be home for Hamilton or even research structures.

  4. Default Re: Savoie, UL seek authorization for 2nd acquisition to link main campus, athletic complex

    Quote Originally Posted by LaCajunsFan View Post

    2) Seems like the most ambitious/expensive pieces to buy would be the retail properties along Johnston St, between University and Cajundome Blvd.
    Legacy Park property is one notable acquisition

    At the same time over the past few years I've seen some empty properties pop up and UL let some other entities snap them up.

    One built some apartments between the pawn shop and the horticulture center.

  5. #29

    Default Re: Savoie, UL seek authorization for 2nd acquisition to link main campus, athletic complex

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Legacy Park property is one notable acquisition

    At the same time over the past few years I've seen some empty properties pop up and UL let some other entities snap them up.

    One built some apartments between the pawn shop and the horticulture center.
    Yep. The one that gets to me is the empty lot behind the T & F complex, along N. College. As land-locked as we are in the ath complex campus, looks like we could’ve used that. And it is marked on the master plan as desired. Guess the money wasn’t there and the St Landry stuff had higher priorities.

    BTW, when you say Legacy Park, I think you mean the property where the new Heritage complex are located….the strip mall, etc., next to it? We already owned the land where the Legacy Apt complex is located.

  6. Default Re: Savoie, UL seek authorization for 2nd acquisition to link main campus, athletic complex

    Quote Originally Posted by LaCajunsFan View Post
    Yep. The one that gets to me is the empty lot behind the T & F complex, along N. College. As land-locked as we are in the ath complex campus, looks like we could’ve used that. And it is marked on the master plan as desired. Guess the money wasn’t there and the St Landry stuff had higher priorities.

    BTW, when you say Legacy Park, I think you mean the property where the new Heritage complex are located….the strip mall, etc., next to it? We already owned the land where the Legacy Apt complex is located.
    Yes Heritage.


  7. Default Re: Savoie, UL seek authorization for 2nd acquisition to link main campus, athletic complex

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    Do we really want a medical school? Is that a goal of ours that we are pursuing?
    Sssshhhhhhhhhhhhh! Don’t say it too loud.

    Look around, what’s going on. Oschner/LGMC is becoming the largest cardio center between Houston and NOLA. Not to mention emergency medicine.

    OLOL is big in the chemo market.

    At some point, the market may demand it. Do we be ready or late to the party?

    It’s not about us…it’s about future generations.

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