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Thread: Cajuns Basketball Head Coach

  1. #49

    Default Re: Cajuns Basketball Head Coach

    I don't know who the next coach will be. But I'm fairly certain, it won't be Brad or Brock.

    This doesn't seem like a promote-from-within scenario. And I think Brad would be much more likely as an assistant, as opposed to head coach.

  2. #50

    UL Basketball Re: Cajuns Basketball Head Coach

    Quote Originally Posted by SlappyCajun View Post
    I don't know who the next coach will be. But I'm fairly certain, it won't be Brad or Brock.

    This doesn't seem like a promote-from-within scenario. And I think Brad would be much more likely as an assistant, as opposed to head coach.

    I’m fine with being Asst, I wanna put in the work and go get the STUDS… #GeauxCajuns #JustWinBaby

  3. #51

    UL Basketball Re: Cajuns Basketball Head Coach

    Quote Originally Posted by BabbForHeisman View Post
    Sounds like you wrote up a description of BBOYD right there! Ha

    YES SIR, Player relations is key, and if the relationship is good the players will do all what you ask of them…

  4. Default Re: Cajuns Basketball Head Coach

    Quote Originally Posted by ZoomZoom View Post
    Be careful with the truth. Doesn’t fit the narrative for some.

    If someone is honestly following the program, they’d known that happened in December.

    This is honestly getting funny. As much as I’d like a change, I’d love the epic meltdown if the guys pull it off in March. My heart is always for the Cajuns but mind says Georgia State or stAte.
    As much as I want him gone I hope Bob never loses another game while Louisiana coach. Those values can’t be reconciled with logic. Ones a hope, the other is logical.

  5. #53

    Default Re: Cajuns Basketball Head Coach

    Quote Originally Posted by SlickRick View Post
    Akuba gets stripped way too often when he does get the ball near the rim.
    In his defense he gets mauled on just about every play. It's so funny how they disallow hand checking up top but down low you can pretty much hang on someone and it takes a lot to get a foul called.

  6. USL (1960-1983)  (1985-1998) Re: Cajuns Basketball Head Coach

    Quote Originally Posted by zephyr View Post
    In his defense he gets mauled on just about every play. It's so funny how they disallow hand checking up top but down low you can pretty much hang on someone and it takes a lot to get a foul called.
    Yeah, but you are measured against your peers. He’s a defensive force and has too many takeaways.

    Perhaps it’s something good coaching might help. Can’t say but still too many takeaways

  7. #55

    Default Re: Cajuns Basketball Head Coach

    Theo defends the rim well. Makes others adjust shot. He is not a dominate rebounder. Not a strong player. Brown or Dou play that role. My disappointment is that his inside shots are inconsistent. Of course, Brown missed some inside also. Theo’s inside presence is noticeable though. Reminds me of what my brother said about playing against Garland Williams in PE -basketball. Not fun. Yes. Our bball players played PE basketball back then.

  8. Default Re: Cajuns Basketball Head Coach

    He’s better than Garland.

  9. #57

    UL Basketball Re: Cajuns Basketball Head Coach

    I have watched two games from the court and two on + and I must say they were all waste of times. I went to all the games during my USL times and enjoyed them. These recent games are like watching Little league kid pitch first year. Not Very enjoyable. I really hope that we get a new coach with much better entertainment value.

  10. #58

    Default Re: Cajuns Basketball Head Coach

    #MarlinMustGo(est 2014)

  11. Default Re: Cajuns Basketball Head Coach

    Just throwing out a name for now.

    Austin Claunch, HC at Nicholls State. He is 32 years old and has been at NSU for 4 years. First year he went 14-17, 2nd year he went 21-10, last year he went 17-6 and is currently 13-9 this year. Overall he is 66-43 as a head coach, struggling a little this year.

    He is young, knows how to recruit the area. I think his only downfall is the fact that he traditionally lives in the transfer portal for players, but that has become the nature of the beast of College Basketball. I think they currently have about 7 players that transferred in. But I will give this to him, he also has 7 players from Louisiana on his roster and only one of them is a transfer, the others have come directly out of HS. He has also worked at George Mason and Clemson.

    Just a thought.

  12. #60

    Default Re: Cajuns Basketball Head Coach

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginDave View Post
    Just throwing out a name for now.

    Austin Claunch, HC at Nicholls State. He is 32 years old and has been at NSU for 4 years. First year he went 14-17, 2nd year he went 21-10, last year he went 17-6 and is currently 13-9 this year. Overall he is 66-43 as a head coach, struggling a little this year.

    He is young, knows how to recruit the area. I think his only downfall is the fact that he traditionally lives in the transfer portal for players, but that has become the nature of the beast of College Basketball. I think they currently have about 7 players that transferred in. But I will give this to him, he also has 7 players from Louisiana on his roster and only one of them is a transfer, the others have come directly out of HS. He has also worked at George Mason and Clemson.

    Just a thought.
    He took Richie Riley's spot when he left to take over South Alabama. He has a very bright future.

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