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Thread: Dead Period Ends This Week

  1. #1

    Default Dead Period Ends This Week

    December 13, 2021 – January 13, 2022
    Except: The seven days immediately before the first day of classes of the institution’s second academic term that are not part of the contact period (applicable only to prospective student athletes who intend to enroll midyear) is a quiet period.

    The coaches hit the road setting up visits Thursday and Friday. I don't know if they will host this weekend, but it's possible they could have a small group in, with the last two weekends in January as their big weekends.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Dead Period Ends This Week

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    December 13, 2021 – January 13, 2022
    Except: The seven days immediately before the first day of classes of the institution’s second academic term that are not part of the contact period (applicable only to prospective student athletes who intend to enroll midyear) is a quiet period.

    The coaches hit the road setting up visits Thursday and Friday. I don't know if they will host this weekend, but it's possible they could have a small group in, with the last two weekends in January as their big weekends.
    Got a few extra scholarships to play with

  3. #3

    Default Re: Dead Period Ends This Week

    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Malkinson View Post
    Got a few extra scholarships to play with
    How does that work with kids that entered the transfer portal? Are their scholarships forfeit? Or only when they actually commit to another school? What if a kid enters the transfer portal and changes his mind late in the game, is there a possibility his scholarship won't be there if he asks to come back?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Dead Period Ends This Week

    Quote Originally Posted by RedTails View Post
    How does that work with kids that entered the transfer portal? Are their scholarships forfeit? Or only when they actually commit to another school? What if a kid enters the transfer portal and changes his mind late in the game, is there a possibility his scholarship won't be there if he asks to come back?
    My understanding is that as soon as a player enters the portal, they forfeit their scholarship. If they return to the same program, that university can decide if they want to put them bac on scholarship or not.

    Main point is, as soon as they hit submit on the transfer portal, their scholarship is gone.

    *** My information is gleaned from parents of NCAA athletes and may be dated, but that is how it worked just a couple of years ago.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Dead Period Ends This Week

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    December 13, 2021 – January 13, 2022
    Except: The seven days immediately before the first day of classes of the institution’s second academic term that are not part of the contact period (applicable only to prospective student athletes who intend to enroll midyear) is a quiet period.

    The coaches hit the road setting up visits Thursday and Friday. I don't know if they will host this weekend, but it's possible they could have a small group in, with the last two weekends in January as their big weekends.
    This will be an interesting 3-4 weeks until signing date for sure.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Dead Period Ends This Week

    So how many scholarships are we talking about?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Dead Period Ends This Week

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajun Monkee View Post
    So how many scholarships are we talking about?
    7 to 9 and that's an courtsiders guess no idea what the scholarship distribution looks like behind closed doors

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